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I'm quite troubled


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Going along quite well in the V-Points tonight above average stack just after the first break. Caca the chip leader has been calling and hitting everything (very loose). Then this hand happened : - Hand #382699647 at table: V-points FR Started: Sun Jul 30 20:45:03 2006 Gaffer2 is at seat 1 with 4680.00 Sly Snake is at seat 3 with 1520.00 Mastoh is at seat 4 with 1475.00 gambla007 is at seat 5 with 1515.00 Spiersey42 is at seat 6 with 1530.00 (TQM's in the pub BTW) GR8-1 is at seat 7 with 2395.00 MCFC81 is at seat 8 with 3940.00 kiwifruit is at seat 9 with 3990.00 caca17 is at seat 10 with 16920.00 Spiersey42 posts the large blind 150.00 gambla007 posts the small blind 75.00 gambla007: --, -- Spiersey42: --, -- GR8-1: --, -- MCFC81: 10d, 10h kiwifruit: --, -- caca17: --, -- Gaffer2: --, -- Sly Snake: --, -- Mastoh: --, -- Pre-flop: GR8-1: Fold MCFC81: Raise 600.00 kiwifruit: Fold caca17: Call 600.00 Gaffer2: Call 600.00 Sly Snake: Fold Mastoh: Fold gambla007: Fold Spiersey42: Fold Flop (Board: Qd, 5d, 6c): MCFC81: Bet 1050.00 caca17: Call 1050.00 Gaffer2: Fold Turn (Board: Qd, 5d, 6c, 2d): MCFC81: Check caca17: Check River (Board: Qd, 5d, 6c, 2d, 8h): MCFC81: Check caca17: Bet 150.00 MCFC81: Call 150.00 Showdown: Can anyone read what he is doing here as I have no idea (is it me?)

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Re: I'm quite troubled quite close Mr V Showdown: caca17 shows: 5h, 6s (two pair, Sixes and Fives) :loon Crazy Then two hands later I give you a classic case of tilt not the brightest move but just demonstarting what he has been hitting tonight and he's still up there :wall Hand #382702822 at table: V-points FR Started: Sun Jul 30 20:48:10 2006 Gaffer2 is at seat 1 with 5205.00 rich30 is at seat 2 with 4655.00 Sly Snake is at seat 3 with 1520.00 Mastoh is at seat 4 with 1475.00 gambla007 is at seat 5 with 1515.00 Spiersey42 is at seat 6 with 1455.00 GR8-1 is at seat 7 with 2170.00 MCFC81 is at seat 8 with 1990.00 kiwifruit is at seat 9 with 3840.00 caca17 is at seat 10 with 18945.00 MCFC81 posts the large blind 150.00 GR8-1 posts the small blind 75.00 GR8-1: --, -- MCFC81: Jh, Ah kiwifruit: --, -- caca17: --, -- Gaffer2: --, -- rich30: --, -- Sly Snake: --, -- Mastoh: --, -- gambla007: --, -- Spiersey42: --, -- Pre-flop: kiwifruit: Fold caca17: Raise 300.00 Gaffer2: Fold rich30: Fold Sly Snake: Fold Mastoh: Fold gambla007: Fold Spiersey42: Fold (TQM's still in the pub :beer) GR8-1: Fold MCFC81: Raise 900.00 caca17: Raise 1500.00 MCFC81: All in caca17: Call 2140.00 Showdown: MCFC81 shows: Jh, Ah (high card, Ace) caca17 shows: 4d, 4h (a pair of Fours) Flop (Board: 4c, Kd, Jd): Turn (Board: 4c, Kd, Jd, Jc): River (Board: 4c, Kd, Jd, Jc, 9h): caca17 shows: 4d, 4h (full house) Mainpot: caca17 wins the pot of 4355 with full house

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Re: I'm quite troubled

Spiersey42 is at seat 6 with 1530.00 (TQM's in the pub BTW)
Spiersey42: Fold (TQM's still in the pub :beer)
:lol :lol :lol Mate I understand your frustration, and although its true, being told to put it down to variance doesn't help when you feel like swinging a criket bat at your own crotch cos its less painful. Unlucky mate. :sad :sad :sad
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