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3 X Big Blind


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Not sure where I read this...think it was Paddy Power site, but it is something that I never realised and I am sure my game has improved because of this advice... Somebody had asked why their raise to 3XBB was not getting rid of the opposition, particularly when several players had called the BB before him. The reply was that you only raise 3XBB when facing the two blinds alone...if others have called the blind before you, then your bet has to be increased by their amounts in addition to the 3XBB. So if blinds are 50/100 and you would want to go 300, but two have already called 100, then the bet is 3X100 + 200 = 500. If you only bet 300 there may be more callers than you expect. This seems pretty straight forward...I just hadn't thought about it before. It has helped me... so thought I would pass the advice on to the forum. Just found it again... http://www.paddypowerpoker.com/ps_doctorjack.php

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Re: 3 X Big Blind spot on - by only raising another 3 blinds the original two callers are getting great odds to call with any 2 Damo

Not sure where I read this...think it was Paddy Power site, but it is something that I never realised and I am sure my game has improved because of this advice... Somebody had asked why their raise to 3XBB was not getting rid of the opposition, particularly when several players had called the BB before him. The reply was that you only raise 3XBB when facing the two blinds alone...if others have called the blind before you, then your bet has to be increased by their amounts in addition to the 3XBB. So if blinds are 50/100 and you would want to go 300, but two have already called 100, then the bet is 3X100 + 200 = 500. If you only bet 300 there may be more callers than you expect. This seems pretty straight forward...I just hadn't thought about it before. It has helped me... so thought I would pass the advice on to the forum. Just found it again... http://www.paddypowerpoker.com/ps_doctorjack.php
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Re: 3 X Big Blind I've consciously done this when I've had a monster and wanted to thin the field. Say I'm in late position, and I've 5 limpers I'll raise it 6xBB... It does normally work. I didn't realise it was a recognised tactic, just one of my foibles. :D

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Re: 3 X Big Blind a professional in the making ;) with 5 limpers I am SHOVING AA or KK (maybe even QQ) no point messing about raising to another 5-8 blinds and still getting 3 callers:sad Damo

I've consciously done this when I've had a monster and wanted to thin the field. Say I'm in late position, and I've 5 limpers I'll raise it 6xBB... It does normally work. I didn't realise it was a recognised tactic, just one of my foibles. :D
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Re: 3 X Big Blind As the signature block (and some of my usernames) suggests, i am a fan of the 3xbb raise, but not if there are limpers before me. Into an unraised pot, 3xbb is high enough to get rid of the dross, but low enough to induce action from the people you want it from. Realistically, you want to be called by the blinds, unless you are stealing of course, as you wont win anything from just taking the blinds. If you overraise, by significantly more than 3xbb, it could look as if you are not wanting to be called and get called by Ace rag, or a small pair, and possibly reraised all in by a maniac that has sensed your weakness.

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Re: 3 X Big Blind Its also important in STT to consider the size of the raise in proportion to the stacks as well the blinds, especially against opponents who cant lay down big hands. I story if i may. In the first round of a SST with BB at 20 and 1500 starting chips. A player I have played with before makes it 5x the BB to 100. I figure this has to be Aces or Kings, maybe just maybe AKs. I find 22 and call. I know what your thinking. This is madness. However I know my man and I know that he wont be able to get away from his and unless there is a 4 flush or 4 straight at the turn. I figure my odds of hitting my set are 7/1 8/1 but if I can get him all in when I hit my set im implied to get 15/1 on the call (all his chips) I also play to check the flop to confirm my read of AA or AK. I know that he will check behind me if he has aces to try and trap me, and if he has AKs after all he will stab at the pot and I can set him all in. Flop: 27Q rainbow :loon Me: Check Him: Check Turn: 9 Me: Pot Bet Him: Raise Pot Me: All In Him: Call River: 9 Him: wtf you call a 5xbb raise with 22 you godamn fish at best you were a 50 50 against overcards blah di blah blah. Needless to say if I miss my 2 i fold and take a small dent to my stack. Needless to say I would be inclined to call almost any two cards against a "big" 5xbb raise in the opening two levels because the implied odds are so good. Needless to say I was unable to make a move for the rest of the game because of my table image, but I called action all game long on premium hands :)

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Re: 3 X Big Blind thats great if you have a solid read and are prepared to let your hand go if it doesn't pan out nice play Damo

Its also important in STT to consider the size of the raise in proportion to the stacks as well the blinds, especially against opponents who cant lay down big hands.
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