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JJ.. how did I do?


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So I've been playing these 45 man $1 SNGs on PokerStars.. and after realising that most of the players aren't even looking at the screen when they're pressing the "call" button, I've tightened up and had some decent success. By avoiding big all ins in the early levels, I can normally final table and cash. Anyway.. here's a hand played very early on that I did end up all in. Did I play it ok? PokerStars Game #5439764319: Tournament #27467588, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2006/07/03 - 08:28:54 (ET) Table '27467588 2' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: PokerBarney2 (1470 in chips) Seat 4: bardamu99 (1120 in chips) Seat 5: SGTStryker (1360 in chips) Seat 6: yuruana (2410 in chips) Seat 7: WannaBePro23 (530 in chips) Seat 8: mumrah55 (1020 in chips) Seat 9: Stoneydrums (3940 in chips) SGTStryker: posts small blind 15 yuruana: posts big blind 30 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerBarney2 [Jc Js] WannaBePro23: calls 30 mumrah55: folds Stoneydrums: calls 30 PokerBarney2: raises 90 to 120 bardamu99: folds SGTStryker: folds yuruana: folds WannaBePro23: calls 90 Stoneydrums: calls 90 *** FLOP *** [6c 6h 5c] WannaBePro23: checks Stoneydrums: bets 30 PokerBarney2: raises 150 to 180 WannaBePro23: folds Stoneydrums: calls 150 *** TURN *** [6c 6h 5c] [Qs] Stoneydrums: checks PokerBarney2: bets 180 Stoneydrums: calls 180 *** RIVER *** [6c 6h 5c Qs] [3s] Stoneydrums: bets 990 PokerBarney2: calls 990 and is all-in Thanks.

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Re: JJ.. how did I do? Don't think I would have played it that differently PB. Only thing I may have done was on the turn, where I think rather than trying to induce a check raise, he was hoping for a free card, as after the flop I put him on a draw, must likely a flush draw. I think he would have bet with any sort of up and down straight draw. I would have raised probably twice or 2 1/2 times what you did there. I would have seen his all in on the river as a ploy to try to steal the pot, either having missed his flush draw or having only X 5 in his hand, so would have called to. Now you are going to tell us he was a calling station and held 2 4 off or 4 7 off, or maybe a pair of 6s.:eek

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Re: JJ.. how did I do? It's funny how we all think very differently. Here's a clue - I'd seen him playing very loosely in the previous few hands. Oh and yes, I know I should've bet more on the turn. I wanted to see if he had a Q cheaply - if he did, he would've raised. He didn't...

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Re: JJ.. how did I do?

Was he one of those muppets who can't put down even the smallest PP and was calling with 33?
some of us think the same! ;)
Id have folded after the all-in as any 6 would screw me but I'd put him on a house of 3's over 6's after that bet but thats just the way i play!!!
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Re: JJ.. how did I do? I think you guys give him too much credit. I called.. and he had A5o. I figured that if he'd had the 6 he would've got all his chips in earlier since I was betting. Checking the Q meant it scared him too, and then after playing the whole hand very passively, bets as much as I have on the river, suggesting what - 33? Bluffs should always sell a story, and his sold the story that he was trying to buy the hand off me - so I called :)

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Re: JJ.. how did I do? PF - a bigger raise for me - make it 150/180 or so - there are two limpers in the pot already, y only raising another 60, you will probably get both of them calling for pot odds flop there is 455 in the pot after the villians 30 bet - and you raise only another 150, so villian is getting 4:1 to call - great odds with any PP or draw he might have, I would make it a pot raise here and resolve the hand straight away Turn - given your previous actions no bet for me, check behind (if you make a pot bet and villian is still in the hand I might just shove that turn hoping he is drawing or has A 10 etc) River - gawd knows at this point, maybe villian puts you on AK etc would I call?, well I think most of my betting has already taken place so usually I don't have this problem - but in this case it would be read dependant, and whether you don't mind busting out for $1.20 and firing up another one Be more aggressive with the raise PF and the bet on the flop Damo

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Re: JJ.. how did I do? Damo - normally I am more aggressive, but I often find myself outdrawn by the chump whose favourite hand is 52o and who can't lay down bottom pair. In the early levels, I don't need to get involved in large pots, so I tried to keep it small. Obviously, he is getting good odds, but I really don't believe players at this level are considering such things. I suppose I didn't want to pot commit myself without having seen all 5 cards. Once I had, and observed his betting, I knew I was in front. If he'd pushed hard back at me on the flop, I would've folded.

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Re: JJ.. how did I do? if you want to keep pots small then best limp call and don't raise (sorry if this sounds facetious it not meant to be, it is fact, by massaging the pot with small bets you are ENCOURAGING action rather than discouraging action) and chumps will out draw you if your bets are so small to give them a draw to hit - If I had limped A5s for instance and called your raise for pot odds PF I am also calling your measly flop bet - you bet does nothing but sweeten it for anyone with a draw hand re players not understanding pot odds - BRILLIANT, in that case bloody well get your chips in the middle whist you are ahead!! let them make muppet calls, in the long run you will win, in the short run you will get outdrawn 1 in 10 etc :ok and can I suggest you change your thinking about your last point, whenever you enter a pot you are potentially committing yourself to be ALL IN. This is the critical point about NL, every hand you play has the chance to bust you (if someone else has the bigger stack), thats why good card selection and good position selection are important. You want to be getting your chips in before the end if possible to stop people outdrawing you - no point waiting for the nuts, because if they miss their draw you miss your chance to make money from them - bet whilst they still have a draw and take their chips I do understand the cautious approach at early levels of a tourney because you don't want to go bust, but at the same time if you do play a hand, play it as perfectly as possible to protect your position of dominance (at that time) before someone hits their cards and beats you Just my thoughts Damo

Damo - normally I am more aggressive, but I often find myself outdrawn by the chump whose favourite hand is 52o and who can't lay down bottom pair. In the early levels, I don't need to get involved in large pots, so I tried to keep it small. Obviously, he is getting good odds, but I really don't believe players at this level are considering such things. I suppose I didn't want to pot commit myself without having seen all 5 cards. Once I had, and observed his betting, I knew I was in front. If he'd pushed hard back at me on the flop, I would've folded.
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