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poker.co.uk MTT League Series II


poker.co.uk MTT League Series II  

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II played too loose after building my stack, and my reraise with QQ preflop wasnt enough to get jkevshat off his AK, AA on flop and a K on river for god measure, then harrington style i went in with my next hand T7 for just over 3xbb, called by gaz's a7 and thats me gone :/

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Hand #376813226 at table: PuntersLounge League Started: Mon Jul 24 22:27:17 2006 Tax_Monkey is at seat 1 with 4535.00 ubermonkey is at seat 2 with 6145.00 kevshat2 is at seat 3 with 3960.00 PLGalronix is at seat 4 with 3930.00 Telepe1 is at seat 5 with 1865.00 gazinpl is at seat 6 with 5565.00 morlspin2 is at seat 7 with 3250.00 teaulcsg1 is at seat 8 with 1120.00 Washman1 is at seat 9 with 2940.00 tfalbb2 is at seat 10 with 3310.00 PLGalronix posts the large blind 200.00 kevshat2 posts the small blind 100.00 kevshat2: --, -- PLGalronix: --, -- Telepe1: --, -- gazinpl: --, -- morlspin2: Ah, Ac teaulcsg1: --, -- Washman1: --, -- tfalbb2: --, -- Tax_Monkey: --, -- ubermonkey: --, -- Pre-flop: Telepe1: Fold gazinpl: Raise 400.00 morlspin2: Raise 800.00 teaulcsg1: Fold Washman1: Fold tfalbb2: Fold Tax_Monkey: Fold ubermonkey: Fold kevshat2: Call 800.00 PLGalronix: Fold gazinpl: Call 800.00 Flop (Board: Jd, 9h, 3c): kevshat2: Check gazinpl: Bet 1200.00 morlspin2: All in kevshat2: Fold gazinpl: Call 2450.00 Showdown: gazinpl shows: Kd, Jc (a pair of Jacks) morlspin2 shows: Ah, Ac (a pair of Aces) Turn (Board: Jd, 9h, 3c, Js): River (Board: Jd, 9h, 3c, Js, 5h): gazinpl shows: Kd, Jc (three of a kind, Jacks) Mainpot: gazinpl wins the pot of 7500 with three of a kind, Jacks (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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