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poker.co.uk MTT League Series II


poker.co.uk MTT League Series II  

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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Does anyone else think the blinds go up way too fast? About halfway through it was very much push and pray poker.. not really enough room to play. Maybe that's just me though' date=' I do like deepstack games.[/quote'] I wouldn't know!!!!!!!! :P Seriously though - the intention was for this to be a slower game than we can usually get access to - I'll see if we can get the next ones at 12 minute blinds instead of 10 minute (it may be too late if Boss have already done the rooms....)
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II

Do you recall what it usually was Morl? PS. Congrats - no.1 in the rankings again - just going up......
it was the same as the sporting odds tourney last month/month before deeper stacks and lower blinds cant remember the exact details sorry and thanks for congrats, im on a roll at the moment but getting a lot of luck too
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Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II Well pleased to say that we have 2000 starting chips for tonights tourney - unfortunately - Matt asked Boss to set the table up with 12 minute blinds, but they have done 6 minute blinds (for reasons known only to themselves :loon :loon Matt is trying to get it sorted for us, but it is quite late and we don't know whether Boss will be able to change it in time. Registration is now open - HOWEVER I think it would be good if we left the lobby empty until at least 2 hours before the start - which would make it easier for Boss to change it!!! Obviously, if you are not going to be around in the 2 hours before the start - go ahead and register anyway..... And if not ...... TURBO it is!!!!!

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