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Blue Square want my driving licence + much more


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Has anyone had one of these emails from Blue Square before? It seems like an extraordinary amount of information to ask for in an unbranded plain-text email.

Hi, As part of a random security check carried out on all poker accounts, we require that you verify the registered information on your account. In order to verify your account we require you to send us the following forms of ID: - A copy of your Passport or Drivers Licence - A copy of your Bank or Credit Card Statement AND - A copy of the front and back of the card registered on your account The account will remain in suspended until verification has been completed. All documentation will be treated in the strictest confidence and can be sent by fax, post or as a reply to this email.
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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more

Has anyone had one of these emails from Blue Square before? It seems like an extraordinary amount of information to ask for in an unbranded plain-text email.
Unless you've requested a withdrawal tell them to fcuk off. In fact, if it's unbranded it probably is a scam. Never give out your CC numbers or anyother details unless it's direct to the site.
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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more

Standard practice with most places. Bit surprised the account has been suspended' date=' have they asked for it before and you ignored them?:unsure :unsure[/quote'] I only opened the account 2 days ago and stuck a tenner in off my credit card yesterday to make my account a `real money` account. I even spoke to their `live help` folk online yesterday and confirmed a few details with them (name, D.O.B. and last 4 digits of the credit card I used to deposit). It all seemed fine after that until I got the email this morning.
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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more

Unless you've requested a withdrawal tell them to fcuk off. In fact' date=' if it's unbranded it probably is a scam. Never give out your CC numbers or anyother details unless it's direct to the site.[/quote'] This is their first request for these details and my account is only 2 days old. I certainly won`t be providing CC details by email to anyone. Gonna reply to the email in my own inimitable prematurely-grumpy-old-man style and I will keep you all posted when I get a reply.
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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more I think it's "normal" these days for the Poker rooms to be strict on verifying ID - and rightly so (we don't want to make it easy for Multi Reg's do we?) However, you are right about being cautious about an email requesting details (branded or not) and there is a good possibility that it isn't from Blue Square at all.......

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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more It is becoming increasingly common to have to provide those details before you can get cash out from your account, but to be honest i've never heard of a poker room randomly suspending an account until you provide ID and bank details and informing you by email :unsure I would check that your account is actually suspended and contact live help or phone them to make sure the email is genuine.

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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more I have only ever sent details once and that was by post to BETFAIR. I will NEVER give details like that to anybody. Stndard practise maybe, but if you are going to do it then make sure that its "genunine" by ringing them or thru "livehelp" never, ever,ever by email...!!

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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more Got a reply saying: "Unfortunately we do perform random security checks and your account was checked and we couldn’t verify the information you provided using our security system, which resulted in you being sent the email originally." So I replied asking what information it was they couldn`t verify. Reply: "We were unable to verify you on the Electoral Roll or the utilities for the address provided. It appears that the details you registered with are not valid with the credit reference agency that we use. Regrettably any customer that fails this check, as explained previously will be requested for additional information". Neither on the electoral roll OR utilities. Odd since I have been at my current address for nearly 10 years and have always had electricity and water and I`ve even been known to pay bills etc. And as for the credit reference agency part the details I registered with were truthful and accurate and I remember that because it was all done within the last few days. I`ve never had problems obtaining credit in the past, but in this case I`m not even applying for any type of credit from them so I`m not sure why the consulted a credit agency. It feels like I have walked into a betting shop with a tenner to put on a horse and they have taken the tenner, locked it up and said you can get it back and bet on a horse once we perform a credit check on you, check you appear on the electoral roll and have electricity and water and a phone, then we must have copies of your bills and driving licence, photograph of both sides of your credit card, bank statements, full set of fingerprints and a retina scan. Think I`ll just close that account and stick to playing on a dozen or so other poker rooms I have signed up with, deposited money, won money and withdrawn money without all this. Especially with, as Masterplan put it

ESPECIaLLY the back, my signature? the security code? HELL NO!
I completely understand the need to prevent multi-regging as that really bugs me as much as any other honest player with one account per site, but surely there must be a less intrusive way of ensuring it doesn`t happen. Clearly, given my situation, the electoral roll/utilities method isn`t flawless but there must be a happy medium between that and what they are asking for. :unsure
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Re: Blue Square want my driving licence + much more I had the same problem - won a small prize in Bankroll Booster Freerol and they suspended my account sending exactly the same email. I sent them these details and they unlocked my acc. But after reading what you all wrote here I don't know if I'd do this again. Surely not a good manners for a site to lock your account when you won something :eyes

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