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Experiment Advice


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I am going to try an experiment at multi-tabling STT's. I show a profit at all levels up to $20 (not willing to step up yet - and need a bigger bankroll) - and I have found my winnings have improved since I've started playing speed/turbo games. I am going going to try and multi-table these speed/turbo games- 3 tables at a time, for a solid 3 hours at a time - by my reckoning, in the region of 20 tables in each session. Now I am going to try this at low limits at first ($6 +$0.50) on Pokerstars. So the advice I'm looking for is: What kind of bankroll should I realistically be looking at to do this?? (At this level playing single tables I show a 20%+ profit) How many tables should I play to get a significant sample?? I have dabbled with multi-tabling before - played a few - done well - moved up - done badly - moved down - done badly again - given up. So I want to give it a proper go and find out where I stand.

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Re: Experiment Advice And another question - when would be the best time of day to try this?? I've heard a lot of people say that it is better to play at night (more fish, people tired/drunk) - but is this true?? Does anyone actually have better results at night than during the day??

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Re: Experiment Advice

How many tables should I play to get a significant sample??.
By a very rough calculation, the standard deviation of your percentage profit/loss (roughly, the typical amount it will vary through luck) will be around 15% after 100 games, and around 5% after 1000. So if you show a profit of 20%, you'd need to play a few hundred games for a significant sample.
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Re: Experiment Advice Cheers Slapdash - that sure beats my "play 10 at a time and see how I get on" philosophy:rollin . The biggest sample I have ever tried before is around 50 - but I wanna try and get serious and maybe find out if I can make a regular second income at the game.

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Re: Experiment Advice

What kind of bankroll should I realistically be looking at to do this?? (At this level playing single tables I show a 20%+ profit)
Another rough calculation: If you show a long-term profit of 20%, then with a bankroll of around 30 buy-ins, you'll need to be at least 3 standard deviations below average at some point to go broke. Probably much less than a 5% chance of going broke. For a long-term profit of 10%, make that around 60 buy-ins.
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Re: Experiment Advice Cool. The 20%+ profit was achieved by playing one table at a time and I would expect this to decrease by multi-tabling - so I'm happy to and have a bankroll set aside to go with around 100 buy-ins. Hopefully I won't have to use too much of it!!!

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Re: Experiment Advice

And another question - when would be the best time of day to try this?? I've heard a lot of people say that it is better to play at night (more fish, people tired/drunk) - but is this true?? Does anyone actually have better results at night than during the day??
PokerStars is quite US focused isn't it? So late night for them is early morning for us ;) To take advantage of night time here, you should be playing on more Euro focused sites...... PokerStars also has the reputation for a decent standard - I am guessing you would do significantly better at $5/$10 buy in on Boss Media than $6 buy in on Pokerstars ....... worth a few "tests" I would say (a few 3 hour sessions on each and see how your results compare)
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Re: Experiment Advice I've played quite a few STT's at the $5+50 and the $3+40 level, and I think the standard is nothing special. The same mixture of decent low level players and not so good players. Playing a basic TAG game should (barring the obvious variances) be enough to get you paid, and I imagine that'll be your style if your multi-tabling. The main thing I've noticed is that you get players who are happy to let others be the aggressors in pots, when holding considerably better hands.

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Re: Experiment Advice Cheers GaF and Valiant - I have seriously thought about playing early morning. Would feel a little weird, but possibly effective. And I know what you are saying about Pokerstars - it does have a reputation for better play - but I've always found it OK. The blind structure on there suits me (even the turbo games don't generally become complete crapshoots) - but after reading the Harrington books recently - I feel equally confident playing to any blind structure. I think i'll shop around a bit. (By the way - I used to hate turbo games - but the reason I like em so much now is that I find mistakes are really accentuated - and bad players can be really bad - and some of the folding late on is laughable - 6 or 7 to 1 pot odds pre flop. I also find that some players are in a lot more of a hurry than they need to be - they see the word speed/turbo and they're off). I do envisage playing a pretty basic strategy - and multi-tabling might actually help me to be a bit choosier about my starting hands (although pretty strict anyway - mostly;) ) - it will be interesting to find out what my profit margin is multi-tabling - if there is a profit margin at all.

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Re: Experiment Advice i would have at least 50 buy-ins - more is better - 100 is brill re tabling - try 2 at first and add another when you get bored waiting, then step up to 3, and when you are playing 3 and posting here at the same time, then 4 etc ;) re time - does it matter? winning players are winning players and most sites have players from all over the world, and given stars is a massive site I think you wont have problems getting games (unlike BM on a saturday/sunday morning B4 9:00 am :)) keep records - I am guessing you did before given you know your ROI oh and post results here - I am going to try to do so every month, so I can't hide and believe I am doing better than I am - people can see how good and/or shite I am and rip me, errr give constructive critisicm on my play ;) Good luck Damo

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Re: Experiment Advice Well I thought I'd report back and let you know how my experiment is going. I'm up to over 50 STT's - and it is now going horribly. I'm now showing a 15% loss overall and the signs aren't too good. It started out magnificently, but right now I'm struggling to get anything. I'm not sure if it is a run of bad luck, as every showdown I seem to be in I'm losing (10 out of last 11 - ahead in 7), and the sample size is relatively small - but I am going to move over to the Party place and see if things improve. I'm also going to cut down to two tables (though didn't have too much problem with playing 3). And it all started off so swimmingly:\ .

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Re: Experiment Advice I am finding my read on the player more and more important when playing SNGs, so 2 is the most I'll play at once. And I know how you feel - I started off on 18/$5 tourneys, and won the first one, then cashed well in the next few, then lost loads. I moved down to 45/$1 and am crushing them. The wild newbies at this level forced me to tighten up and start playing decent poker. The profits aren't huge, but my bankroll is growing... :)

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