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What I thought was a good bluff...


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PokerStars $1 45 man SNG. Early on, and I thought I played this nicely on the end. What do you think he's got? PokerStars Game #5359618648: Tournament #27035020, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2006/06/25 - 08:52:06 (ET) Table '27035020 4' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: MaximoHeart (1500 in chips) Seat 2: PokerBarney2 (1500 in chips) Seat 3: tomwal (1500 in chips) Seat 4: MC-1 (1500 in chips) Seat 5: brazindian (1500 in chips) Seat 6: derdirk (1500 in chips) Seat 7: taximan1700 (1500 in chips) Seat 8: Elsoma (1500 in chips) Seat 9: De4angel (1500 in chips) PokerBarney2: posts small blind 10 tomwal: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerBarney2 [Tc Jh] MC-1: folds brazindian: folds derdirk: calls 20 taximan1700: folds Elsoma: calls 20 De4angel: calls 20 MaximoHeart: folds PokerBarney2: calls 10 tomwal: checks *** FLOP *** [Qh 2s Kh] PokerBarney2: checks tomwal: checks derdirk: bets 20 Elsoma: calls 20 De4angel: calls 20 PokerBarney2: calls 20 tomwal: calls 20 *** TURN *** [Qh 2s Kh] [8s] PokerBarney2: checks tomwal: checks derdirk: bets 100 Elsoma: calls 100 De4angel: folds PokerBarney2: calls 100 tomwal: folds *** RIVER *** [Qh 2s Kh 8s] [6h] PokerBarney2: checks derdirk: bets 60 Elsoma: calls 60 PokerBarney2: raises 340 to 400 derdirk: calls 340 Elsoma: folds The raise on the end was the bluff on the flush, since I decided he didn't have it. He thought about it.. then called. I'm all ears :)

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Re: What I thought was a good bluff... I'd guess at 2H,8H. Post flop he has bottom pair and a flush draw, minimum bet to see where he is. Post turn, hits 2 pair and now doesn't want any limpers. Post river, hits his flush, but it isn't unbeatable hence the relatively small bet (or maybe he just wants to be paid). Having said that, he probably has nothing but a pair of 2s (if anything at all) :lol

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Re: What I thought was a good bluff... Nice guesses. Damo - I was *sure* he didn't have the flush. In his position, I would've folded to someone (me) who could well have been chasing the flush draw. Val - nope. eltrev - no flush. Before I give away what he had, what do you think of the play itself? Was I right to bluff him? I've been playing the $1 buy ins, and discovering that these donkeys just cannot lay down a hand.. I will definitely take that into account in future.

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Re: What I thought was a good bluff... K4, so top pair kings with no kicker. He played it badly (imo) and left himself open to the bluff... but of course didn't realise that he could be beaten. Maybe an all-in would've worked - lol, who am I kidding? And yes, I have come to realise that people will no lay down a hand in the first few levels. So my fault I suppose.

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Re: What I thought was a good bluff... IMO (as already said) a stone cold bluff like that at a $1 buy in tournament is almost always wrong and a mistake - for the very reason you have seen..... These levels are full of Calling Stations, who cannot lay down a hand - you will beat them by playing solid poker - by playing your cards - you will not beat them by bluffing with nothing......

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Re: What I thought was a good bluff... Having lose with AJ to A8, AK to 69 and so on.. I have reached the same conclusion. Wait for AA, then push. Or, limp every hand and wait to flop a straight/flush, then push. Or.. play bigger buy ins :) Thanks for all your comments.

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