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Mansion $500 added


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I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I just came 2nd overall - but heads up we was both all in (and I would have had around 85% of chips if I won) - I had 2 pairs and he called hoping for a flush - only the river to come. And yep, he got it. That is so, so annoying - although $80 in a freeroll isn't too bad. I did have a huge slice of luck earlier though - holding KK - two AA's on the board - the player before me went all-in. I thought he would have played it slower with an Ace, so I called him. He had AQ. Turn K River K Nice!!!

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Re: Mansion $500 added Well played Rookie - didn't the guy who won it put you out in the same way as he did me. I know he put out someone else exactly the same way - a flush on the river - but I can't remember if it was the 3rd or 4th place player he did it to. And by the way, haven't played Mansion a lot, but when I do I find it a fantastic place to play. Very slick, smooth and has a got a real professional feel to it. If/when it gets busier, I might have to set up base there - I love it.

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Re: Mansion $500 added I was doing ok at the start.. then got a bit shortstacked. I managed to CR an aggressive medium stack all in with my top pair A, and he called with bottom pair 9. Just what I wanted - here comes the double up. Uh oh.. here comes his K for second pair. Goon. Wp cloudy! :)

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Re: Mansion $500 added I notice that the number of players is increasing. When I won the $500 a month ago there were only 118 people playing, now there are over 300. My only complaint is the speed which the blinds increase, after a couple of hours they only go up every 15 minutes, I think it makes for better poker but makes the games last over 4 hours and finish well past midnight. :zzz

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Re: Mansion $500 added Yeah - didn't realise it took so long. The game finished just past 1am last night. Luckily there was a player shoving his chips in with great frequency. With a final table of tight players it could have gone on a good while longer. 200 posts!!! wayhey!!!

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Re: Mansion $500 added

Yeah - didn't realise it took so long. The game finished just past 1am last night. Luckily there was a player shoving his chips in with great frequency. With a final table of tight players it could have gone on a good while longer. 200 posts!!! wayhey!!!
last week i had a first place, a second place and a tenth place. When i finished 2nd it finished at 1:40 am .................. and that was because i needed to get to bed and took some chances, it could have gone on for another half hour otherwise................... when i got first place it was about 1.10 am i think. and when i finished 10th i went out about 12.30 or so .......................... I'm quite happy with the length of time it takes as it allows you to play, instead of it turning into a lottery ................It would be nice if it started a little earlier though
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