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Fold or shove on a paired board?


Fold or shove on a paired board?  

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    • shove
    • fold

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Calling is not an option here I think so is anyone folding this? Damo Hand #341026571 at table: 5 Player $100 NL Started: Sat Jun 24 11:14:11 2006 ulrikdk is at seat 1 with 2225.00 tomusan is at seat 2 with 2995.00 felixb is at seat 3 with 1755.00 HERO is at seat 4 with 1440.00 Curly05 is at seat 5 with 1435.00 ulrikdk posts the large blind 100.00 Curly05 posts the small blind 50.00 Curly05: --, -- ulrikdk: --, -- tomusan: --, -- felixb: --, -- HERO: Ac, Qc Pre-flop: tomusan: Fold felixb: Fold HERO: Raise 300.00 Curly05: Fold ulrikdk: Call 300.00 Flop (Board: 7s, 7h, As): ulrikdk: Check HERO: Check Turn (Board: 7s, 7h, As, 6c): ulrikdk: Bet 500.00 Hero???????

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Re: Fold or shove on a paired board? with the queen kicker, tough call, he checked the flop, so he either hit the ace like you, or missed his pp, did the 6 make it? did he flop quads? is he playing AA softly? personally i think he's trying to push you off it. shove and he'll fold, any raise and i think he'll fold. i dont think his hand will improve so personally i'd check call to river where i'd raise once.

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Re: Fold or shove on a paired board? best check relevant chips stacks MP Damo

? personally i think he's trying to push you off it. shove and he'll fold, any raise and i think he'll fold. i dont think his hand will improve so personally i'd check call to river where i'd raise once.
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