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I had a bit of a brainwave this morning - and had the idea of the Punters Lounge having a rankings list for poker. At the moment there are 2 or 3 different leagues running at any one time - some play in all - some pop in and out when they can - some (like myself) try and play certain leagues. I think it would be a good idea to somehow amalgamate the results, and produce a definitive ranking list. I'm not sure how this would be produced - something along the lines of best 30 over the year - or average points over the year (with a minimum number of events played). The log scoring system currently used in most leagues would give roughly an equal standing for each tournament. Obviously, only official PL tournaments would count towards the rankings. It could lead to having a PL player of the year - a season ending tournament - rookie of the year - etc. So what does everyone think?? And how should it be worked out??

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Re: Rankings

I had a bit of a brainwave this morning - and had the idea of the Punters Lounge having a rankings list for poker. At the moment there are 2 or 3 different leagues running at any one time - some play in all - some pop in and out when they can - some (like myself) try and play certain leagues. I think it would be a good idea to somehow amalgamate the results, and produce a definitive ranking list. I'm not sure how this would be produced - something along the lines of best 30 over the year - or average points over the year (with a minimum number of events played). The log scoring system currently used in most leagues would give roughly an equal standing for each tournament. Obviously, only official PL tournaments would count towards the rankings. It could lead to having a PL player of the year - a season ending tournament - rookie of the year - etc. So what does everyone think?? And how should it be worked out??
I think you need to get out more often :rollin :rollin :rollin :cheers That was Ed not me
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Re: Rankings I think it's a nice idea ...... in principle!! Have thought about it a few times, and tried to think through some practicalities - was thinking that 1 tournament could be highlighted per evening as the "Focus Game" and that one tournament would generate ranking points (whether a PL league game or just a high value game). Gets tricky though trying to work it out where people arent too heavily penalised if they don't play EVERY night....... Will try and give it some thought......

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Re: Rankings This means multiple accounts on multiple sites Do I want to have 10 sites d/l'd to my laptop and then remember what the passwords are for each one? no, not really, and I don't want $50 sitting in 10 accounts just so I can play the $5 MTT every so often And what about the buy-ins? and are they PL specific or can just anyone join? THe one site that does spring to mind at the minute is Mansion - with so few players on it at the minute, if we could find a relevant tounry it would just about be PL exclusive? Just a thought Damo :cheers quote=GotaFancy?]I think it's a nice idea ...... in principle!! Have thought about it a few times, and tried to think through some practicalities - was thinking that 1 tournament could be highlighted per evening as the "Focus Game" and that one tournament would generate ranking points (whether a PL league game or just a high value game). Gets tricky though trying to work it out where people arent too heavily penalised if they don't play EVERY night....... Will try and give it some thought......

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Re: Rankings maybe by allowing people to pick their own 'focus game' then working out a point score based on their position/money in the tournament. for example. if i play a $2+0.20 nl on VC, with say, 159 ish entrants and finish 5th gaining me a $14.31 (6.5 inc tourny fee) payout and beating 154 people. this could earn me 1001 points. another person playing in a big guaranteed, with say a $40+4 buyin, against 466 other people, finishes 20th for $225(5.11) beating 446 people gets 2279 points. etc etc would this work? could average it out over the week for say, best 3/4/5 games, then add that average to the leaderboard. would that work?

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Re: Rankings I think the beauty of PL poker are the different leagues on differing sites - so I would suggest basing the rankings over the different leagues - after all we want to keep the offers coming in. You're right GaF, whichever way you do it it will favour the players who play more - but we can minimise this a bit by averaging the top so many scores (30 or 40 a year say) - and this would give a good mix of quality and quantity. If we only use the official PL leagues - there might be 2 or 3 games a week that could count towards the standings (at the moment just the Sporting Odds). And you're right Dan Dan, I REALLY need to get out more:lol :lol :lol

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Re: Rankings

maybe by allowing people to pick their own 'focus game' then working out a point score based on their position/money in the tournament. for example. if i play a $2+0.20 nl on VC, with say, 159 ish entrants and finish 5th gaining me a $14.31 (6.5 inc tourny fee) payout and beating 154 people. this could earn me 1001 points. another person playing in a big guaranteed, with say a $40+4 buyin, against 466 other people, finishes 20th for $225(5.11) beating 446 people gets 2279 points. etc etc would this work? could average it out over the week for say, best 3/4/5 games, then add that average to the leaderboard. would that work?
I think you'd have to ignore the prize money and just concentrate on the number of people in the tourney otherwise you'd effectively be penalising the people with smaller bankrolls. I like the idea that you could pick the game you want to count, but would you have to nominate the game before or after it had been played? Also if enough people get involved I could see it being a nightmare to administer.
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Re: Rankings I think it can only be one "focus game" - otherwise the administration of it will become a nightmare (and full time job!!!). PL is about finding value, regardless of where it is - I appreciate some of you don't like having multiple accounts, however within the PL philossify of finding immense value, I prefer the "shop around" approach to "finding a home".

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Re: Rankings

I think you'd have to ignore the prize money and just concentrate on the number of people in the tourney otherwise you'd effectively be penalising the people with smaller bankrolls. I like the idea that you could pick the game you want to count, but would you have to nominate the game before or after it had been played? Also if enough people get involved I could see it being a nightmare to administer.
its based on proportional winnings tax, not overall winnings. so it shouldnt matter what size bankroll you use. if people posted their finishing position from the tourny lobby provided it had all the info, it could be whipped onto a spreadsheet and calculated automatically.
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