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Did I play this wrong?


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Is this one of those hands I couldn't have got away from? PokerStars Game #5332667083: Tournament #26888071, $1.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2006/06/22 - 17:48:25 (ET) Table '26888071 2' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: scott61 (4610 in chips) Seat 3: Stan5871 (1990 in chips) Seat 4: phylliwilly (400 in chips) is sitting out Seat 5: PokerBarney2 (1430 in chips) Seat 6: dabomb5443 (770 in chips) Seat 7: Diesel0533 (490 in chips) Seat 8: ksgm01 (1400 in chips) Seat 9: RLCALL2 (2810 in chips) RLCALL2: posts small blind 10 scott61: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerBarney2 [Qd Ac] Stan5871: folds phylliwilly: folds PokerBarney2: raises 55 to 75 dabomb5443: folds Diesel0533: folds ksgm01: folds RLCALL2: calls 65 scott61: calls 55 *** FLOP *** [Js 4s Qh] RLCALL2: bets 100 scott61: calls 100 PokerBarney2: raises 300 to 400 RLCALL2: calls 300 scott61: folds *** TURN *** [Js 4s Qh] [Jd] RLCALL2: bets 60 PokerBarney2: raises 440 to 500 RLCALL2: calls 440 *** RIVER *** [Js 4s Qh Jd] [5s] RLCALL2: bets 180 PokerBarney2: calls 180 *** SHOW DOWN *** RLCALL2: shows [8s Qs] (a flush, Queen high) PokerBarney2: shows [Qd Ac] (two pair, Queens and Jacks) RLCALL2 collected 2485 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2485 | Rake 0 Board [Js 4s Qh Jd 5s] Seat 1: scott61 (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: Stan5871 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: phylliwilly folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: PokerBarney2 showed [Qd Ac] and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks Seat 6: dabomb5443 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Diesel0533 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: ksgm01 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: RLCALL2 (small blind) showed [8s Qs] and won (2485) with a flush, Queen high Cheers.

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Re: Did I play this wrong?

Is this one of those hands I couldn't have got away from?
It's level 1 mate you should be able to get away from most things:tongue2 :ok The turn is very scary but his tiny little bet is the type that really pisses me off:@ :@. At that point I'd think he's got lucky and hit the J so I'd raise, but not so much - probably raise it to 180. I know I know pot odds blah blah but I don't want to risk any more chips than that on level 1 with TPTK on a paired board. If he called my 180 and that river came I'd think I'd give it up, check and swear at the screen:tongue2. If he reraised on the turn I'd give it up and assume he's hit the J. Unlucky he hit the flop and the draw:$ :$ :$ Edit: Oops, just realised you didn't go out:$ :$. I'd still bet less on the turn:ok
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Re: Did I play this wrong? Cheers. I suppose I didn't need to spend that much. But I was sure of my read.. so tried to play according to proper strategy. I suppose on level 1.. at a $1 buy in - these people don't give two tosses about "proper" play. I had him on the draw.. so I raised twice to push him off it. The other guy got lost, so why couldn't he? Well.. turns out he had the Q too. On another equally annoying note.. played two more, had AA and KK cracked in the first few hands. Muppets.

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Re: Did I play this wrong? My take on it is, the guy is a fcukwit who got lucky, he went to the river with a pair of Queens with a 8 kicker, and got hit a longshot flush draw. You were clear fav (75%+ I think) when the money went in, over time you'd murder him. Having said that, I'd probably got out of the hand, his betting pattern would have led me to put him on an overpair or 3 of a kind.

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Re: Did I play this wrong? Like the near pot sized raise on the flop - well done however, when the turn hits I am check/calling here - tho you went with your read and played at him, the problem is he called your bet again. Can I suggest that next time you think he has a draw you might as well shove? there is so much money in the pot with your standard raise, he will prolly call with any draw at this point, so make it expensive. And right to call on the river, again massive pot, so you are getting great odds for your money Cheers Damo

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Re: Did I play this wrong? Cheers guys. He never gave me a chance to get away from it, except from his tiny bet on the river. I figured I was probably beaten, but if he was just some muppet playing a low Q (which he was...) I had him beaten. I couldn't fold to that bet. Perhaps a shove on the turn might've been good, or just calling his (again.. tiny) bet. I knew I had the best hand though, and I knew he was drawing, so I thought I could raise him off. Looking back at it, the turn raise wasn't enough... I'll shove next time. Thing is, he'd probably call anyway. Berk. :)

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Re: Did I play this wrong? Hi Barney for me the no. 1 play is to check/call the turn and then decide what to do on the river assuming he bets, if he checks I am checking behind and not attempting a value bet. Just to be clear, if you think he has a drawing hand and you raise the turn, make it as expensive as possible for him, I don't advocate shoving just because you have top pair - in this case given the pot amount and chips stacks it might haver been the right play to shove rather than raise for around 50% of your stack - dunno best to play around with some figures and work out pot odds (and given his hand he would prolly be justified in calling a shove on this occassion) Damo

Cheers guys. He never gave me a chance to get away from it, except from his tiny bet on the river. I figured I was probably beaten, but if he was just some muppet playing a low Q (which he was...) I had him beaten. I couldn't fold to that bet. Perhaps a shove on the turn might've been good, or just calling his (again.. tiny) bet. I knew I had the best hand though, and I knew he was drawing, so I thought I could raise him off. Looking back at it, the turn raise wasn't enough... I'll shove next time. Thing is, he'd probably call anyway. Berk. :)
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