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Cash game variance


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Anyone else ever have horrible days at the cash table? Yesterday I ran wonderfully.. getting a few nice hands and making them pay off. Today, I cannot win. I've had some horrible beats.. mostly from the same guy who seems to know all the dealers. If I get a set, he has a full house. If I have a straight, he has a flush. If I have AA and he's re-raised me all in preflop with AJo... you got it, he hits JJJ. So he's just wiped out yesterday's profit. My graph now looks like a couple of mountain peaks.. up and down, up and down. How do pro players put up with this sort of thing? Some guy limped with 52 and flopped 522. I bet into the K on the turn.. I flop top pair J and re-raise all in against Sly Snake who calls with bottom pair. Two pair on the river.. I could go on.. AARARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. And relax.

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Re: Cash game variance play games that your BR can cope with first of all and post HH's here, and let us pick them apart to see if you misplayed the cards and let the muppets out draw you :eyes :ok oh, you will encounter LOADS of variance :rollin Damo

Anyone else ever have horrible days at the cash table? Yesterday I ran wonderfully.. getting a few nice hands and making them pay off. Today, I cannot win. I've had some horrible beats.. mostly from the same guy who seems to know all the dealers. If I get a set, he has a full house. If I have a straight, he has a flush. If I have AA and he's re-raised me all in preflop with AJo... you got it, he hits JJJ. So he's just wiped out yesterday's profit. My graph now looks like a couple of mountain peaks.. up and down, up and down. How do pro players put up with this sort of thing? Some guy limped with 52 and flopped 522. I bet into the K on the turn.. I flop top pair J and re-raise all in against Sly Snake who calls with bottom pair. Two pair on the river.. I could go on.. AARARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. And relax.
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Re: Cash game variance IMHO No-limit cash games are the most shark infested games in online poker and also the most (adrenaline addicted) muppet infested ones as well. So you suffer beatings from both ends of the spectrum when your luck runs bad. They can for the good player with lots of nerve also be one of the biggest and fastest ROI's going provided you get your bankroll straight and play at a the right level in the food chain. Somewhere on here theres a good writeup on bankroll management and dealing with the big swings you see playing no-limit (think GAF wrote it :clap ). If you lose your total bankroll then before starting with a new one you have to seriiously review your strategy and play level. Me I tend not to play cash no-limit anymore (too much excitement for me) - I'm much happier playing MTTs especially positive expectation ones. If I need points to qualify for a freeroll or somesuch then I much prefer to play limit cash games as provided you play to a fairly good formula its very hard to lose over any extended period l - though the ROI is much smaller than no limit. Basically, if you are sure your basic game is better than the average+10% (to cover the rake) then you have to either ride out the bad beats and hopefully see a profit trend over the long term or give up and go back to the drawing board.

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