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Trouble with Tribeca

The Rivers

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Been meaning to ask this for a while, But does anyone else have problems on the Tribeca network (e.g Paddy Power, Blue sq, VC poker). Quite regularly the software sticks for a while, where no buttons appear and can't see any play going on, or i can see the buttons but pressing them has no effect. It either then lets me back just in time to act, but not enough time to make a proper raise, or folds my cards and sits me out.:wall Like i say it happens a lot, but it just did it half way through a hand. I'd just called a bet on the flop, then couldn't see the turn card come out, but the info in the corner tells me i've just hit the nut straight. And i'm begging for it to let me play, then it comes back up with the buttons, i can now see my opponents bet $2, but it still won't let me re-raise or call no matter how frantically i'm pressing the mouse. next thing i'm folded and sat out and fcuked off.:@ Got in touch with live chat but they said it was a problem at my end. But how come it never happens with any other network if it's a problem with my local provider?. And when the connection fails it's completely different to this, because a bloody sign comes up saying connection failed trying to reconnect.:eyes

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Re: Trouble with Tribeca I've had this problem with Tribeca, I think it's a problem at both ends. If I get a network error which recovers tribeca freezes and wont start again. I had it in a tournament the other day, put in a big raise, I thought the other guy was thinking about it when the software had frozen - had to reboot the PC. It happened a few times but it coincided with Milou trying to log her work laptop on the WiFi ad giving me a netwrok error. Everything else worked ok though Tribeca just shut down.

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Re: Trouble with Tribeca The only tribeca software i have used is Paddy Power. I used to play there a fair bit, and have only really started playing there again in the last week or so. I have experienced the 'stickyness' recently, cards taking an age to come out, players taking ages then all of a sudden it shoots through and the 'you have 10 seconds to act' message comes up. To be honest it hasn't cost me anything (yet) so i haven;t complained.

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Re: Trouble with Tribeca I had this problem on a 10 seater sit and go, I was trying for the bubble and there were 4 left when it folded me and said I was disconnected. When it let me back in only 3 were left so I missed the bubble. It only happended to me once so I can't complain.

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Re: Trouble with Tribeca Ive been sharing my brothers Wi-Fi, and have problems when he connects while i'm playing sometimes but not the same as the stickiness. And it's happened about 5 times in an hour since, most recently a minute ago. Was on BB and got it on auto-post blinds yet it sticks, doesn't post the blind and sits me out, so i have to wait till it gets round again to start playing again. Chat box doesn't stick though, can see it telling me it's my turn, then i've got 10 seconds left. And i'm sat there tearing my hair out and saying to myself i know you fcukers.:@ P.s. happened twice more while writing this. It rarely costs me money but it shouldn't ever cost me.

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Re: Trouble with Tribeca In 2005 when I first started playing on my old PC, I had terrible trouble at times. It got the the stage where PocketLady would have to immediately shutdown the Tribeca site (Sun Poker I think), so that I could play. At one time I was suffering so badly that I was trying to play by only the chat window. Its really hard to describe, but I put it down to my PC being quite old, and it having to share an internet connection, purley because the situation improved (1) When P.Lady closed down, and (2) when I wasn't playing elsewhere. Since having my new PC neither I or P-Lady have suffered like I did before. I think that it is something to do with the Tribeca software and slower processors.

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