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Good Luck To You All


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Re: Good Luck To You All :unsure :unsure :unsure I'll be fooked if this is happening on MY watch! Come on Gal. Regardless of whether you're playing poker or not you can't 'leave' PL.....

Gal wtf? Place wont be the same without you mate, txt me or ring me if you can! Morls
I'm here for you too Gal. :ok
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Re: Good Luck To You All You know how the song goes Gal: 'You can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER leave' Even if you ain't playing, stick around. Have to say since being introduced to the General Chat part (thanks Pene:ok), my enjoyment of this place has increased exponentially. You'll get back into it. World cup is on, then there is Wimbledon. Can't say I have played that much recently. You'll get your appetite for Poker back.

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Re: Good Luck To You All Once again Gal, have to agree with the others. Poker is a game from which an occassional break can be healthy. Have a recharge by all means, but come back for the good of all of us and continue to drop in from time to time. Good luck with whatever you decide.:ok

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Re: Good Luck To You All Eric I can understand wanting a break from poker ............................ i haven't been playing that much for the past few months and have just started playing a bit more frequently again. But stick around the PL .......... it was great meeting you at the PL meetings at york and Newcastle and i hope i see you at the next one :ok

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Re: Good Luck To You All You'll be missed mate :\ but I've noticed a few people, myself included, over the past month or so, having similar crisis' of "Falling out of love" with or "doubts about their ability" for Poker. So in the end you have to Do whats best for you!! mate, but don't be a stranger :ok

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Re: Good Luck To You All Hi Eric Graeme just told me you may be leaving PL for a while, well i hope all is well after meeting you in leeds. Your a top bloke and i know Graeme has a lot of respect for you. Pauline and I wish you all the best for whatever you do and hope to see you again sometime soon. Rob

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Re: Good Luck To You All

Hope alls not too bad Gal. As you can see there are plenty of people here for you mate.
Hope alls well Gal, as David's quote above, We are always here for our fellow P/Ler's, Just keep in touch is i think what most people want. Plenty of friends there, such as Mr V and Morls, to have a chat with, Take the offer if it's needed.. Best wishes to you in what ever you decide.
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Re: Good Luck To You All Gal, what can I say mate? It was great meeting you at Leeds and again in London and I hope it's not the last time I get to meet you mate as you are a top bloke. I felt how you are feeling a while ago and I had a break from poker and recharged my energies and it worked a treat. I hope that can work for you too mate. All the best, whatever you decide to do mate :ok

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Re: Good Luck To You All Sorry Gal mate - I'd have chatted more on Goal Poker tonight if I'd have read this soon enough - I think we were still playing then ? Don't know if it is any use to you but I wasn't certain I could go or wanted the Ibiza trip so played a little free-er (is that a word ? - couldn't get the right number of e's without the hyphen !) than usual and enjoyed playing with absolutely no pressure. Hard to recommend nothing but freerolls the way they can turn into all-in fests but perhaps something like the daily Blue Square bankroll booster with a reasonably low entry just to keep your eye in can be a confidence booster too. If you do leave us for a bit, take care and I hope you come back up for it again. :ok

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Re: Good Luck To You All Good luck Gal. Hope this is just a temproray lull in your enthusiasm :) - we all get them, so you are not alone. I just ease off on the poker and do a few social things and find after a week or so the urge to play starts to return and so I gradually ease into it again. Remember, playing poker is a bit like riding a bike .... once learned you never forget. or alternatively its a bit like sex ... even when its bad its good :lol :beer

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Re: Good Luck To You All Hey Gal, just catching up with PL after a day off it - that's about as much as I can manage without serious withdrawal symptoms kicking in! :tongue2 Hope your break is just away from the tables and not from us - looking through this thread there's a lorra luv for you out there. And what lengths some people will go to to get called by their proper name instead of their nickname! ;) You were one of the people who encouraged me to visit PL from the Maxim tables so you are honour-bound to look after me for life now, so don't stay away too long. :( Hope to read more from you sooooooon but take care in the meantime and enjoy the break. :zzz

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Re: Good Luck To You All a break will definately help eric ,i have only played once in 3 weeks(mind you would have played last wendsday if so hadn't crashed)and i feel more eager to play already. i hope you dont give up completely ,as i've enjoyed your company at tables for a couple of years now and would miss seeing you around:cry if you fancy a live game one sunday give us a bell mate as i should be able to be free:ok . anyway if not good luck hope to see you back soon.

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Re: Good Luck To You All

He'll be sticking around alright, cos I aint allowing him to leave! :nana :loon :cow You're part of the PL family and nobody EVER leaves unless they have special permission from Don Rossini. ;)
Uuuuuh, better do what Mister Bossman says... :eek I have heard he can be VERY fierce... :tongue2
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Re: Good Luck To You All

Uuuuuh, better do what Mister Bossman says... :eek I have heard he can be VERY fierce... :tongue2
He's responsible for slovakians in the sweatshops of the north ...... if he can do that .... who knows:unsure
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Re: Good Luck To You All When you`re responsible for comedy of this quality, hey.....you`re too much of an asset to be going anywhere !!;)

Just remebered............ Me and jeffers playing poker..... The time - about 3:30am The venue - Hotel Conference room The scene - both ratarsed jeffers - "I raise" galronix - "what you got there" jeffers - "A 4 off" galronix - "I meant how many chips you got" much amounts of PMSL :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol galronix - "ok I'll fold" He lost in the end coz he just limped in all the time
I wasn`t fortunate enough to be there but the amount of times i`ve staged a reconstruction of that in my mind is unreal, and i`ve laughed every time i`ve gone through it. i got a funny look from another passenger on the bus the other day when I thought I`d had a sly chuckle.:loon
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