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Tonights Freerolls


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Here's how I went out at Sporting Odds and Virgin tonight... At SO I was dealt TT which didn't hold up against A4... couple of hands later I'm taken out with JJ running into KK. At Virgin, I'm knocked out with KK running into AA and KJ... the latter hitting the straight knocking the pocket rockets out too! :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall

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Re: Tonights Freerolls just finished 43rd in the 10k freeroll on SO for $30 disappointed cos after a couple of hours I was top 10 in this and the Virgin points freeroll, ending up 29th on virgin and $30 only to show for 3 hours effort. at least it was free ! the champions league, poker bloggers and mansion all took a back seat resulting in early exits. five games at once on two machines was just a bit too much :( :ok

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Re: Tonights Freerolls I was stupid and thought I'd eneterd the SO freeroll - but hadn't (I keep doing that :( ) ..... however I had entered the Virgin V-points and came 1st :cow :cow and I couldn't have played both at once anyway (still waiting for my new PC to turn up when I hope to be able to play Virgin and SO at same time) . At least there were no Hungarian multi idr's to put up with on Virgin :rollin . Have now invested 11 dollars in the Mansion World cup game :D . I love Sundays - I seem to get my best results on Sundays :hope .

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Re: Tonights Freerolls Thankd MrV, I think that even though we didn't get a player to top two of Superstarts we did alright out of Mansion yesterday - besides my win Ovalman also won the world cup game :clap :clap :clap .... so he's hoping for a lot of goals from Spain's next match. Long may these Mansion promotions continue.

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Re: Tonights Freerolls

I think that even though we didn't get a player to top two of Superstarts we did alright out of Mansion yesterday - besides my win Ovalman also won the world cup game :clap :clap :clap .... so he's hoping for a lot of goals from Spain's next match.
Preferably scored by the goalkeepers :loon Well done Phil and 0valman :clap :clap
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