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Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hand 13


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Hand 13: ** Game ID 824684413 starting - 2006-06-10 21:11:38 ** Poker Night Live:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - suineGrekoPA sitting in seat 1 with $1670.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 2 with $1540.00 - delee_sere sitting in seat 3 with $3000.00 - adeslet sitting in seat 4 with $2970.00 - Everbrite sitting in seat 5 with $1370.00 - Mr_Echo sitting in seat 6 with $1470.00 - NuffSed2 sitting in seat 7 with $1620.00 - stevie_d sitting in seat 8 with $2830.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $10.00 delee_sere posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 3 of Hearts, 5 of Diamonds adeslet called - $20.00 Everbrite folded Mr_Echo raised - $40.00 NuffSed2 folded stevie_d folded suineGrekoPA folded JadedJ folded delee_sere folded adeslet called - $40.00 ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 4 of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts adeslet checked Mr_Echo bet - $20.00 adeslet raised - $160.00 Mr_Echo raised - $300.00 adeslet went all-in - $2770.00 Mr_Echo went all-in - $1130.00 adeslet shows: 7 of Clubs, 9 of Clubs Mr_Echo shows: King of Hearts, King of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 6 of Hearts adeslet wins $2970.00 from the main pot End of game 824684413 Calling UTG with 79s?! Even *I* wouldn't do that... (raise maybe, but no way call!) Hard to fault Echo's play IMO, yes he slowplayed but against one opponent with a very nice flop he must have figured his K's to be good - very lucky from Ade, who plays the hand poorly if you ask me but gets the fluke trips on the turn.

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Re: Poker Night Live Hand Analysis - Hand 13 and that why you don't slowplay your premium PP a min raise after someone else has entered? bloody stupid serves him right - raise 5XBB and the muppet calls then he is UL bloody crap play Damo

Hand 13: ** Game ID 824684413 starting - 2006-06-10 21:11:38 Mr_Echo shows: King of Hearts, King of Diamonds End of game 824684413 Calling UTG with 79s?! Even *I* wouldn't do that... (raise maybe, but no way call!) Hard to fault Echo's play IMO, yes he slowplayed but against one opponent with a very nice flop he must have figured his K's to be good - very lucky from Ade, who plays the hand poorly if you ask me but gets the fluke trips on the turn.
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