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Pokerstars Poker Player Mag WSOP Freeroll

slick mick

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Re: Pokerstars Poker Player Mag WSOP Freeroll :hope :hope :hope :hope :hope good luck sam(hope its better than mine) i went out just after the 1st break,my aa v 99...flop 7 9 9 ouch.next hand i played,kk all in called by 5 6 hearts......flop brought a 5,turn brought a 6.....ouch and goodnight

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Re: Pokerstars Poker Player Mag WSOP Freeroll Gone in 69th. Raise with QK suited, only to be re-raised all in by the short stacked BB. I'm sure it's a bluff so call - he shows K6o. A 6 on the flop leaves me with 5k. Couple hands later i'm on the BB, someone raises, so I reraise all in with AQs, he calls with A7, and the 7 on the flop.:wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall Good luck to those left in :hope Steve.

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