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I can't quite believe I've seen this but.....


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I finished 5th in the Virgin $50 freeroll (it was supposed to be a warm up for the V Points but I never got going in that one). Anyway I got rivered by a player who called a 6x BB pre flop raise and then when the flop was 10, 9, rag (pairing my A10 hand) he called another 6xBB All In (having checked the flop. He turns over KQ and hits his K on the river. To be honest it was not the worst call in history as he was the chip leader. I hung around to watch the conclusion of the MTT which eventually ended up HU with him and another. After about 10-15 hands he (tonny3) had about 80000 chips against gunga's 140000 chips. The cards are dealt, tonny3 on the BB. Gunga calls the BB and tonny3 checks. The flop shows a rainbow J,10,2 and gunga bets 100000. Tonny3 calls (All In) and tunrs over 8,3o!!!!!!!!!!!!!:\:\ Gunga has 2 pair (J,10) and wins the tournament. How did tonny3 get to the final table with play like that? it makes me feel like giving up poker (at least whilst the world cup is on ;))

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Re: I can't quite believe I've seen this but..... Unbelievable isn't it. . . . I got stung earlier today, worst one for a long while, . . . Had pocket Aces. Heavily betted pre flop (roughly 5 x BB) all folded apart from 2 callers. Flop came 7-9-2 rainbow. Another big bet for me, 1 chap folded, the remaining dude called. Turn was a 5. A big bet again from me which was called. The River turned a 3. Another pot sized bet for me - and another call . . . I turn my bullets over and start counting my chips - the fcuker has only been callin with 53 and gets two pair. I was fuming!!!!!!!!! How?! Why?!

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Re: I can't quite believe I've seen this but..... i just wish these idiots would hurry up and make more money on freerolls then come and play the bigger mtt's, they play the worst poker you'll ever see and get lucky a few times and think they are phil ivey i just write their names down and use the find player (find a fish) option and occasionally find them on a cash table and get my money back that way!!

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Re: I can't quite believe I've seen this but..... Not only is this poker, but this is a $50 freeroll. I play like a complete muppet in any small freeroll I play in...it helps to get that stuff out of your system so that you can play tight in the bigger freerolls.

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Re: I can't quite believe I've seen this but.....

Not only is this poker, but this is a $50 freeroll. I play like a complete muppet in any small freeroll I play in...it helps to get that stuff out of your system so that you can play tight in the bigger freerolls.
I agree that this was only a small value freeroll on SO, but what amazed/shocked/concerned me most was that this person, playing in this manner, made it to the final 2 from over 200 players. Surely you have to have some skill to get to that position? Particularly on a site like SO.
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