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Note to self:Put KA down!


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Of all the tournaments I've played in over the last week, the hand that's put me out is KA. In the Poker Player grand prix tonight it took me down for about the 5th time on the trot. Surely, under the law of averages, it's got to hold up at some point... soon, preferably?! :@

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Re: Note to self:Put KA down!

no shit, went out today - got rivered again in the grand prix A4, had 2 pair after the turn bet 500, got called, and the river brought him a higher 2 pair. grr
Well, you can't really call that a muppet call... he had top pair...aces :unsure
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Re: Note to self:Put KA down! Looks like a few of us have been quite unlucky today in the Grand Prix - I'm dealt AKo, raise 3x the BB from mid position. Raised by someone who has been quite loose aggressive in previous hands. So I force his hand and raise all-in, thinking he probably has an Ax or KQ etc. He turns over A4o. Flop comes 245, neither the turn or river is any use. And he has the cheek to slag me off after I go out!!:@ Steve.

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Re: Note to self:Put KA down!

no shit, went out today - got rivered again in the grand prix A4, had 2 pair after the turn bet 500, got called, and the river brought him a higher 2 pair. grr
I had a similar experience with A3s tonight. Hit 2 pair on the flop, put in a big bet and got re-raised. I moved all-in and got called. Opponent showed KA so I'm ahead. By the time the river had hit he held a better 2 pair! Another experience with A3 last week when I flopped a full house, A's full of 3's... opponent goes all-in and I call. He shows 3 of a kind A's. A 3 comes out on the river to split the pot! :@
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Re: Note to self:Put KA down!

Of all the tournaments I've played in over the last week, the hand that's put me out is KA. In the Poker Player grand prix tonight it took me down for about the 5th time on the trot. Surely, under the law of averages, it's got to hold up at some point... soon, preferably?! :@
Why?:D How come everyone on this thread is playing with raggy A's?:loon
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Re: Note to self:Put KA down! thats the problem with A small - u get outdrawn/beat with top pair crap kicker best lay it down Damo ps AK is ONLY ace high - its rubbish unless you get help on the flop, so its not a suprise you are losing with it - I notice that no one ever posts a thread along the lines of "83 shite hand got beat 5 tourney's in a row after raisin 5XBB preflop" just an observation ;)

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Re: Note to self:Put KA down!

thats the problem with A small - u get outdrawn/beat with top pair crap kicker best lay it down Damo ps AK is ONLY ace high - its rubbish unless you get help on the flop, so its not a suprise you are losing with it - I notice that no one ever posts a thread along the lines of "83 shite hand got beat 5 tourney's in a row after raisin 5XBB preflop" just an observation ;)
bugga is though that tonights KA was taken down by KJ... the paired J rearing it's ugly head on the turn.
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