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more questions :S


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Hi Punters. I have a few lollypop questions. Lets start with a normal one. Is there any kind of online tv that broadcasts poker? Cuzz in Hungary there is no poker on tv. The other is a really noob question. Simply what is pot odds? I mean i was playing on a table, there was a straight draw dealed in the community cards. And a guy said "pot odds 8% of each card thats 16%" What is this how to calculate? MY prob mainly is that i can only calculate my chanches if i know what does my opponent holds, but i have no chanche for eg. to calculate the odds of winning for eg with KJ preflop, and after a flop of 2 8 q (for eg) and after the turn etc. How could i learn it. Please someone explain it to me :)

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Re: more questions :S

Hi Punters. I have a few lollypop questions. Lets start with a normal one. Is there any kind of online tv that broadcasts poker? Cuzz in Hungary there is no poker on tv. The other is a really noob question. Simply what is pot odds? I mean i was playing on a table, there was a straight draw dealed in the community cards. And a guy said "pot odds 8% of each card thats 16%" What is this how to calculate? MY prob mainly is that i can only calculate my chanches if i know what does my opponent holds, but i have no chanche for eg. to calculate the odds of winning for eg with KJ preflop, and after a flop of 2 8 q (for eg) and after the turn etc. How could i learn it. Please someone explain it to me :)
Hi Giz, your Online TV is http://broadcast.global-mix.net/?m=gameintv&.wvx and for odds calculations try http://www.calculatem.com/index_g.html?keyword=poker+odds+calculator&g=1 or http://people.ucsc.edu/~tbabb/programs/pokerodds/ C.R.
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Re: more questions :S but he can check my details and copy the email adress and then he can email me :) or just answer my mail doesnt he? Cuzz i used my own email program not pl cuzz i had difficulties of sending pm etc. It does not allows me :S But now i can cuzz i have over 50 :P

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Re: more questions :S Pot Odds. Heres my two cents worth ..... lots missing because its probably a topic that deserves a book...... Pot odds are a lot to do with OUTS (an out being a card that will improve your hand). A knowledge of pot odds gives you a pointer as to whether you should bet,call, raise or fold in various situations. Its best shown by example..... Suppose you have QJ of hearts - you've stayed in for the flop with one other player and its something like 2h 3h 9d. Now you have 4 hearts so its a reasonable assumption on your part that if another heart comes up on the turn or river you are going to win the hand. I say "reasonable assumption" because its not a certainty - at this poing in the proceedings your oppponent could be sitting with trip 9's hoping to make a fill house or even have Ah plus another heart. So the pot is say 500 chips - and its your opponents bet. There are 9 hearts left (13 - the 4 you know about) and there are 52-5 (=47) unknown cards - hence the odds of a heart coming up on the turn is 9 in 47 (just over 20%) and (if no heart comes over on turn) then its 9 in 46 (again just over 20%) - so if you take the view that a heart will win it for you and discard all the other possibilities (like for example your opponent has total crap) then its 60-40 or thereabouts that your opponent will take the hand. So the pots 500, if your opponent bets 500 then then you have a decision as to whether you bet 500. At first glance it looks a simple yes decision bet 500 to win 1000 when odds are 60-40 against you - of course its not that simple because you need (possibly) to stay past the next round of betting to get those odds! You get the 60-40 odds when the 500 chips represents all-in by you or your opponent. Assuming you and your opponent have huge numbers of chips then you might not go for it at this stage against a 500 chips bet. On the other hand if the pot is 500 and your opponent bets 100 then the odds are definitely working for you and you should (at least) call - in this case the pot-odds are definitely in your favour. In a wider contect pot odds are the odds that come up (from a monte-carlo simulation typically) of the chances of you winning the hand given all the possibilties and permutations of cards. In reality the fact that you can't see your opponents hole cards (unless you've stumped up for one of thosse magic pieces of software :lol ) means that you should "adjust" your pot odds many times. People (unless its BB and theres been no raising - or GAF/Pene in late position :lol ) generally don't stay in with rubbish - so pot odds are just a guidance - but (again generally) if you ignore pot odds too much and play pure instinct then you'll generally end up a loser. You are probably playing somewhere close to pot odds already just due to experience - the more experienced you get the more you have a feel for the odds on whether you are in the lead or behind on a particular hand. The beauty of poker is that sometimes it rears up and bites you :rollin - bad beats are pokers way of saying "serves you right for only betting on favorites".

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Re: more questions :S 1: Where can i find myself if i play on SO tv broadcast? 2.nd i dont understand this: "So the pot is say 500 chips - and its your opponents bet. There are 9 hearts left (13 - the 4 you know about) and there are 52-5 (=47) unknown cards - hence the odds of a heart coming up on the turn is 9 in 47 (just over 20%) and (if no heart comes over on turn) then its 9 in 46 (again just over 20%) - so if you take the view that a heart will win it for you and discard all the other possibilities (like for example your opponent has total crap) then its 60-40 or thereabouts that your opponent will take the hand. So the pots 500, if your opponent bets 500 then then you have a decision as to whether you bet 500. At first glance it looks a simple yes decision bet 500 to win 1000 when odds are 60-40 against you - of course its not that simple because you need (possibly) to stay past the next round of betting to get those odds! You get the 60-40 odds when the 500 chips represents all-in by you or your opponent. Assuming you and your opponent have huge numbers of chips then you might not go for it at this stage against a 500 chips bet. On the other hand if the pot is 500 and your opponent bets 100 then the odds are definitely working for you and you should (at least) call - in this case the pot-odds are definitely in your favour." i understand that i have 40% chanche of winning with the straith draw in case my opponent has anything when i dont but what is up with the pot stuff. I really dont understand I read it mutiple times, but still cant get it. How many chips do i have or my op in any cases and what does that affect on the odds. I mean if the pot is 500 and the opponent bets 500 than he surely has something and i have to calculate that way or what:S srry i really do not understand this pls ecplain it :( i am a noooooooob

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Re: more questions :S

2.nd i dont understand this: "So the pot is say 500 chips - and its your opponents bet. There are 9 hearts left (13 - the 4 you know about) and there are 52-5 (=47) unknown cards - hence the odds of a heart coming up on the turn is 9 in 47 (just over 20%) and (if no heart comes over on turn) then its 9 in 46 (again just over 20%) - so if you take the view that a heart will win it for you and discard all the other possibilities (like for example your opponent has total crap) then its 60-40 or thereabouts that your opponent will take the hand. So the pots 500, if your opponent bets 500 then then you have a decision as to whether you bet 500. At first glance it looks a simple yes decision bet 500 to win 1000 when odds are 60-40 against you - of course its not that simple because you need (possibly) to stay past the next round of betting to get those odds! You get the 60-40 odds when the 500 chips represents all-in by you or your opponent. Assuming you and your opponent have huge numbers of chips then you might not go for it at this stage against a 500 chips bet. On the other hand if the pot is 500 and your opponent bets 100 then the odds are definitely working for you and you should (at least) call - in this case the pot-odds are definitely in your favour."
There was a mistake in the above words in that it should say just less than 20%. Lets me try again - imagine you are in an STT and there are only two of you left. You both have 7,500 chips and the blinds are 500/1000. You are the dealer (and hence BB) and have Qh 9h. Pot at this point is 1500 (SB+BB). Your opponent (who is SB) raises to 2000 you call.... Pot is now 4000 (2000+2000) Flop comes out as Ah Kh 7c So you have at this moment in time a hand that is one card away from a flush in hearts and have 5500 chips left. Its your opponents bet he goes all-in (5500 chips) and you have to decide whether its worth calling. Your opponent has consistently bet with "good hands" do you expect that he has at least a pair and that your best chance of winning lies in making the heart flush by getting another heart on the turn or river, At this point you might consider the poy odds. There are 9,500 chips in the pot therefore the bet you are making is that there will be a heart on the next two cards. You are betting 5500 to win 9500. Is that a reasonable bet? You know the 5 cards that you can see, 4 of them are hearts, therefore there are 9 hearts left that you cannot see. Also there are 47 cards in total that you cannot see. Therefore the chance of the turn being a heart is 9 in 47 (just less than 20%). If the turn isn't a heart then you have one more shot at making the flush - this time the odds are 9 in 46 (just less than 20% again). If we therefore say that the its about a 40% chance of you winning we'll be somewhere close. Betting 5500 to win 9500 in that situation is positive expectation (i.e if you repeat the same situation 10 tiimes, you will have won 60,000 chips as against losing 55,000 chips) so its a good bet (but only just) - thats taking pot-odds because you've figured out that over the long run that bet wins. If the numbers were different then you might refuse to make a bet on the basis of pot-odds. The above situation is somewhat simple (as calculated) and ignores a few other considerations (such as chance of getting a run due to Jack/Ten coming out) but illustrates the basis behind pot odds - you make an assumption about your opponents hand and what is needed for you to win the hand (in this case completing a heart flush) and figure out the odds. Hope that helps.
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