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PL Multi-Game Challenge, Limit 7-Card Stud Monday at 8pm


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As the title suggests, we're going to go for Game 1 of the Multi-Event Challenge (Limit 7-Card Stud) tomorrow at 8pm. Will set up a private STT at Prima, and message the password to those people who've voted for it on the poll - anyone else who wants in is more than welcome, post here or PM me for the password.

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Limit 7-Card Stud Monday at 8pm Have set it up now so I don't forget - Name is PL_Multi_Game_Challenge_7_Stud. Password being sent in a minute. Please sit down at 8 o'clock tomorrow, NOT much before or it'll start early! Will manually start when everyone's there (if we have less than 8) or at 8:10, whichever's earliest. Prizes are $2.80 to winner, $1.20 to 2nd place.

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Limit 7-Card Stud Monday at 8pm Okay, think we're up to 10 possibles now - could someone set up another table? I can only do one on Prima... Sara, you're more than welcome to play but you'll need to post an e-mail or MSN address for us to get you the password - you can't receive PM's until you've made 50 posts.

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Limit 7-Card Stud Monday at 8pm Cheers Slap! Suggestion Table 1 - Me 6ooner Milou Pokerose Tfalbb Table 2 - Slapdash Stereoman Teaulc DAC Sara Possibly have two more after if people want them for final placings, top 3 from each table playing another for 1st through to 6th and bottom 2 on each playing for 7th through to 10th?

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Re: PL Multi-Game Challenge, Limit 7-Card Stud Monday at 8pm

I'll set up another table in a few minutes. Similar table name, same password.
PL_Multi_Game_Overflow Suggest everybody joins the table with fewer people at it when they sign in, to keep them balanced.
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