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Turn Pro ?


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Does anyone have any ideas about going pro with the poker? how would you know if it was time? On a personal note i win a staggering amount of cash in the time i am able to play but would be very wary of giving up my day job. i suppose it would all come down to building up a serious stack ie safety net - at the moment i withdraw £300 a week and the stack is still increasing. In April alone i won over £4000. i have decide to keep a diary and monitor my progress. i play mostly 5 handed games and the odd tourny (should really improve my tourny play although i have had some success in the short time i've been playing these). My current plan is to build a $100,000 stack whilst still withdrawing £300 per week. I would be keen to hear some expieriences of other players who have given this some thought and anything else that i have probably not taken in to account? No play for me this week as i am down in the lake district with the local school kids ( very public spirited of me ) still managing to access the lounge with the small amounts of time i get too my self. 35- 11 year olds NIGHTMARE

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Re: Turn Pro ? Moley, I have been on a bit of a tear on the cash tables myself recently and have also pondered what you have been pondering but I've come to the conclusion that I'd HATE to have to sit down at the PC and think "Shit...I have to win $***.** today to pay the bills" It would just knock all of the enjoyment it. Congrats on your April winnings Moley - thats fantastic. On a personal note - grinding out the bucks on the cash tables is getting a bit boring at the moment - looking forward to the MTT tonight

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Re: Turn Pro ? Mole are you havvin a laugh :loon On a serious note, we discussed this on Sunday and although I'm certainly not yer man when it comes to poker advice I think you should take your time. No doubt you make a lot of money on the 5 handed 1/2 2/4 tables but still, not a decision to be rushed. Good point from DAC also about sitting down every morning in order to pay the bills. IMO you should continue to closely monitor your progress for at least 12 months while still withdrawing £300 a week, if, after that, you are somewhere near your $100k bankroll, then maybe it could be better justified? As I said at the start though, I'm not the one to advise on poker, my advice is purely on a friend basis. Be really interested to read the views of some of the experienced players in the lounge :unsure PS. Does Mrs Mole know about this? :spank PPS. Didn't we spend most of the April £4k in London? :beer

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Re: Turn Pro ? I am with Dac on this... I make a few ekstra dollars playing poker... and if I spent 8 hours a day playing I perhaps could make a decent living... but I would be afraid of losing, and that would hurt my game... AND.... I am not sure I would win as much if my living depended on it!!!! ...and it wouldn't be as much fun I am sure... :\ Just my thoughts about turning pro... can't say it hasn't crossed my mind... :loon But it is not for me... :D

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Re: Turn Pro ? Mole. Philossify has had the 'opportunity' to play poker for a living due to his circumstances, and I would certainly recommend you read ALL of his thread here I think you should only consider taking up poker as a career if you can at the very least equal your total income as it stands now, AND withstand the losing streak that you may well encounter (would I say certain to?). If you are doing well as your life is now AND maintaining a full-time job then why change? "If it ain't broke etc..." Do I think you're good enough to make a living, though? Possibly.

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