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Hi All, I have started playing a lot of limit cash poker - doing quite well, and the balance is gradually climbing up. I'm normally confident about how I approach each hand and where I want to go with it - but deal me a hand with two high cards, and then a flop comes with 3, 5 and 8 and it's the one hand where I really don't know where I'm going with it. I know pot odds and implied pot odds come into play - but post flop it's hard to work these out as any runners could have hit a pair or be playing overcards like myself. Anyone got any hard and fast rules in this scenario, or any advice would be much appreciated.

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Re: Overcards

Hi All, I have started playing a lot of limit cash poker - doing quite well, and the balance is gradually climbing up. I'm normally confident about how I approach each hand and where I want to go with it - but deal me a hand with two high cards, and then a flop comes with 3, 5 and 8 and it's the one hand where I really don't know where I'm going with it. I know pot odds and implied pot odds come into play - but post flop it's hard to work these out as any runners could have hit a pair or be playing overcards like myself. Anyone got any hard and fast rules in this scenario, or any advice would be much appreciated.
Well... 1st:I assume you would raise preflop... so hopefully noone holds small cards like the ones on the flop... 2nd:If I raised with a big hand preflop I would bet it postflop regardless of what comes on the flop... 3rd: If I am called, I will consider what he calls with... straight possibility, flushpossibility, did he afterall hit a small pair... or did he hit trips...? 4th: I am likely to bet it again after the turn, regardless of the turn card... 5th: If nothing of his presumed wanted cards doesn't show on the river I will bet it again... Sometimes I win ...sometimes I lose... BUT... I win more often than I lose :ok GL with it...
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Re: Overcards Cheers Pene - Parts 1 and 2 are generally what I would do anyway - it's when betting again after the flop and my opponent/s betting/calling is where my lack of decisiveness lies - and it is an area where I am probably throwing some money away. I guessed that maybe I should be a little more aggressive - I was tending to be a caller rather than putting my chips down first and therefore I was showing weakness.

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