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Gotta See This Pls Omg


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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg Press "Prnt Scrn" Download Irfanview and paste the screen shot into it... Go to Imageshack.us to get them to host the pic... get the url, and post it here... OR... try the button that says: "put this pic on Punters Lounge now" gl

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg pocekt Q pocket J 98 spades and AK spades. table:cashgame 12/25c!!!! pot is over 250$ community cards 10s jh qs 4h js result: 4th is QQ with a QQQJJ fullhouse 3rd is JJ With a four of a kind 2nd 98 with a straightflush to Queeni 1ST is the royal flush Could anyon calculate a chance etc. This is outrageous.

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg

Well spotted Rosie :) Heeeey, are people allowed to edit their posts while I am quoting them???? Now this is complete nonsense...:lol
LMAO veeeeeeeeeeeeerrryyy sorry Pene...:( What I think Pene was quoting me on was saying that the cash on the table and the total in the chat box, did not add up. I simply edited because I noticed that the figure shown was one of the side pots, and I'd didn't want to libel anyone....:$ Edit: Not that Pene or I are untrusting in any way....
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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg it is i just recived this from a classmate who is playing SO too and he found it on pokerforum. It was not me who made it maybe it is fake, but it is SO so it can be really realistics... :S edit: as i've experienced 12/25c tables are the worst in this case. First of all all of the tables name are table TH mini.. no number nothing there are about 10-20 TH mini at once all are 12/25c and i had always bad beaten on TH minis.

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg

LMAO veeeeeeeeeeeeerrryyy sorry Pene...:( What I think Pene was quoting me on was saying that the cash on the table and the total in the chat box, did not add up. I simply edited because I noticed that the figure shown was one of the side pots, and I'd didn't want to libel anyone....:$ Edit: Not that Pene or I are untrusting in any way....
He he...noooooo...we can ALWAYS be trusted... :clap
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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg Excuse me if I ramble a bit....how long has everyone been playing? - probably a guesstimate with some much longer than others but in all the we've time we've been playing there has been millions and millions of hands dealt all over the world and not once has something like this been caught and reported, I'd only even begin to slightly worry if this happened again within a few months. Ramble over.

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg Being an experienced pohotshop user and having spotted a number of fakes I have to say this looks genuine. Friskyfitz and I were in a hand recently where I had a royal flush in clubs and he had the 9 of clubs so this is just a little more unlikely.

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg A recent similar hand doesn't make it any more or less likely. But, this hand is VERY unlikely. If you go to somewhere like party that has a bad beat jackpot, and look how often it hits and what the payout is. With this hand we're talking about two hands which would independently win it being beaten by one bigger hand on the exact same deal. And the queens full on top. Prior to seeing this screenshot I'd have guessed it to be odds on that this hand had never happened in the history of poker, online or offline. Any mathematicians able to put a number on this?

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg Sabina: Hello Telepe, my name is Sabina, How may i help you? Telepe: Hello Sabina: hi Sabina: how may i help? Telepe: There is an image going round on the internet of an incredible hand - Royal v Quads v Straight Flush v FH Telepe: If I give you a hand number - can you tell me if it is genuine? Sabina: give me the round number and i will see if i can locate it Telepe: ty - 248735863 Sabina: One moment please Telepe: That's the "Current Hand" number in the image Sabina: th round number exists, but there is no royal, quads, straight or full house in that round Telepe: OK - a photoshop!!! - tyvm Sabina: youre welcome smile.gif

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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg

Sabina: Hello Telepe' date= my name is Sabina, How may i help you? Telepe: Hello Sabina: hi Sabina: how may i help? Telepe: There is an image going round on the internet of an incredible hand - Royal v Quads v Straight Flush v FH Telepe: If I give you a hand number - can you tell me if it is genuine? Sabina: give me the round number and i will see if i can locate it Telepe: ty - 248735863 Sabina: One moment please Telepe: That's the "Current Hand" number in the image Sabina: th round number exists, but there is no royal, quads, straight or full house in that round Telepe: OK - a photoshop!!! - tyvm Sabina: youre welcome smile.gif
Nice one GaF. Good to see a helpful, friendly, support representative too ;)
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Re: Gotta See This Pls Omg

SO This thread could have ended about 24 post back:@ Nice police work TJ.Telepe:ok Miami GAF GAF P.I Hawaii GAF0 Think I'll stop now.:rollin
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin You shouldn't really be eating anymore of my mushrooms...
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