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Club Class Tourney at Sporting


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Regarding this Rake Back thing... I hit $1000 in rake this month, and am getting the 25% rake back... But what I am wondering about is another message from SO in the mail... ... The Club Class Tourney... on the 4th of May A MTT for the top 30 rakers of April... first price is a luxury trip to Moscow... 2nd is guaranteed 35% rake back in May. ...well...my question is... because they wrote me that I am currently in the top 30... Can that be right???? ...do they say that to everyone??? Just to get me to play even more??? :unsure :unsure :unsure Pene

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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

A MTT for the top 30 rakers of April... first price is a luxury trip to Moscow... 2nd is guaranteed 35% rake back in May.
Someone's having a laugh, a luxury trip to Moscow is like saying you're getting a cordonbleu meal at MacDonalds:loon
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Someone's having a laugh' date=' a luxury trip to Moscow is like saying you're getting a cordonbleu meal at MacDonalds:loon[/quote'] :rollin :rollin :rollin He he... had difficulties imagining a luxury trip to Moscow aswell :lol :lol ...but it IS actually in the lobby in SO
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting Pene this is the same idea as the one Mole won into this weekend. Top 30 right enough. Think he is still in the running for it even though he's been away all weekend. SO have been top class with the guys all weekend, no expense spared. Ben and Joe top blokes from all I've heard. Should be worth winning, keep playing and GL.

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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Pene this is the same idea as the one Mole won into this weekend. Top 30 right enough. Think he is still in the running for it even though he's been away all weekend. SO have been top class with the guys all weekend, no expense spared. Ben and Joe top blokes from all I've heard. Should be worth winning, keep playing and GL.
Okay, thanks Dan Dan :D Hope I will make it then...
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Regarding this Rake Back thing... I hit $1000 in rake this month, and am getting the 25% rake back... But what I am wondering about is another message from SO in the mail... ... The Club Class Tourney... on the 4th of May A MTT for the top 30 rakers of April... first price is a luxury trip to Moscow... 2nd is guaranteed 35% rake back in May. ...well...my question is... because they wrote me that I am currently in the top 30... Can that be right???? ...do they say that to everyone??? Just to get me to play even more??? :unsure :unsure :unsure Pene
May I ask which cash games do you play to rake a $ 1000 in a month. I´m just fooling around down at the 0.12/0.25 $ pot limit tables myself. And thats no way to rake that amount, but probably a good idea for me anyway, given my cash game skills.
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

May I ask which cash games do you play to rake a $ 1000 in a month. I´m just fooling around down at the 0.12/0.25 $ pot limit tables myself. And thats no way to rake that amount, but probably a good idea for me anyway, given my cash game skills.
You may ask... I play 1/2 or 2/4.... and I play a lot of stt's... mainly $50... ...thats how I raked $1000... :D (probably playing too much, but aren't we all)
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Evidently you are one of the 'special chosen ones' Pen ;) Hope you are in, and Good luck!
That was what I wanted to find out...if anybody else recieved a mail like that... Or are they winding me up... :D ...to make me put more rake in...?? We will see tomorrow I guess...
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting Nope... no shot at "luxury in Moscow" for me...finished 33rd this month... they say... ...might take a trip to hell instead then...sounds fun too :loon Gotta play less though... Only 32 players put more rake in SO than me... I must not be well :unsure

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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Nope... no shot at "luxury in Moscow" for me...finished 33rd this month... they say... ...might take a trip to hell instead then...sounds fun too :loon Gotta play less though... Only 32 players put more rake in SO than me... I must not be well :unsure
Shame - 2nd place was 2 luxury trips to Moscow:loon
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Nope... no shot at "luxury in Moscow" for me...finished 33rd this month... they say... ...might take a trip to hell instead then...sounds fun too :loon Gotta play less though... Only 32 players put more rake in SO than me... I must not be well :unsure
Luxury in Moscow. Now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one:lol:lol
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting unlucky pene at getting no shot at the moscow trip. i managed to make top 30 so molevittensky for the mole. sad but i managed to generate $3500 in rake this month (really need to get out more) i suppose it will be a bit warmer than scotland so it will do us

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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

unlucky pene at getting no shot at the moscow trip. i managed to make top 30 so molevittensky for the mole. sad but i managed to generate $3500 in rake this month (really need to get out more) i suppose it will be a bit warmer than scotland so it will do us
:loon That's A LOT... JEEEEEEZ... I got $ 255 in Rake Back.. still, I didn't make it... But you must be one of the big guys there... well done... hope they came back profitable ;) BTW Morls... congrats :ok
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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting Don't go knocking Moscow... I spent 8 days there in 1992 (1 year after the attempted coup) and did manage to enjoy myself. Red Square is just amazing as is the Kremlin. I'd imagine it's changed a lot since then so should be more Westerner friendly. If you get the chance my advice is to take it! :ok

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Re: Club Class Tourney at Sporting

Don't go knocking Moscow... I spent 8 days there in 1992 (1 year after the attempted coup) and did manage to enjoy myself. Red Square is just amazing as is the Kremlin. I'd imagine it's changed a lot since then so should be more Westerner friendly. If you get the chance my advice is to take it! :ok
Ofcourse not...won't make fun of Moscow anymore... Would love to go there... I am only bitching because I didn't get the chance of winning the trip ;) ... beat by 3 people who are wasting more money on SO than me...:\
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