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Hi All, I'm in the middle of a slump - not sure if I'm playing badly - and haven't particularly gone on tilt - but after a couple of days poker I feel like I've lost the ability to win a hand, let alone any kind of tournie. I am expecting to get rivered every time I'm ahead after the turn, and my expectation has been realised so many times I'm actually laughing. I have been doing well all year, but wiped out all of my profit and some in the last couple of days - and yet I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong particularly - and analysing some of the key hands I'm struggling to work out where I am going wrong - I've been ahead most of the time but the damn river has been killing me :@ . Any advice how to deal with a bad run. Cheers All.

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Re: Confidence Just carry on playing your normal game that has done you well so far this year. Whatever you do, don't adjust your game just because you are in a slump. You get the bad runs as well as the good ones, you just need to be patient enough to see the bad ones through.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Confidence Agree with blade. Stick with your normal game, after all its served you well in the past. Everyone on here has hit a big slump at some stage. I have only been playing about a year and had a major slump for about 3 months where every hand was being beaten, to the same extent like you i was laughing and the odd hand i won was a bonus. It will turn round I promise and i bet within 2 - 3 weeks you are posting a new PB ! One thing that helped me was moving down a level to the $3 STT's etc and building the bankroll back up, since then I have been doing ok and making far more final tables and i know that my first big win is just round the corner. I will hit slumps again but know my play and mindset is good enough to come through it and support and encouragement is guarenteed on PL:clap Chin up,dont despair. YOU know yourself you are a decent player and this will past ;)

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Re: Confidence I've been feeling the same way this month and it looks like I'll be recording a loss come Sunday. However, I've been playing a lot of pot limit cash tables and, honestly, they're boring me rigid. I reckon that's where the problem lies. I've decided to go back to freerolls and low buy-in STT's to try and put some fun back into it meantime. I've just finished 2nd in the semi-finals of Poker Players shoot out at spin palace tonight and thoroughly enjoyed myself for the first time this month. A change of scenery may be exactly what's needed! :ok

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Re: Confidence

I've been ahead most of the time but the damn river has been killing me :@
Think you answered your own question there, if this is true then its just bad luck mate. Just look back at each situation and if you had all your chips in with the better % then you can do no more.
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Re: Confidence Mate read this thread from post #25; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27941&page=2 All of the above advice is good common sense. :clap You KNOW it is. I also know without ever watching you (honest) that you have started to play hands and get into situations you shouldn't AND lay hands down that you should play. You're also getting frustrated when a muppet calls a large % raise with something like suited connectors and cracks your premium hand. :eyes :wall I've started to claw my way back after a truly horrendous March where I couldn't win anything. Gaf? reminded me (thanks mate) that results aren't important - playing 'good' poker is, and you will benefit long-term (covered by mrm and Slik above:ok). After my 'chat' with Gaf I played a $3 STT, and everything just seemed less 'cluttered'. I knew I was making the right decisions and ended up winning. If you need a chat cloud, gissa shout on MSN.:ok

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Re: Confidence

I've started to claw my way back after a truly horrendous March where I couldn't win anything. Gaf? reminded me (thanks mate) that results aren't important - playing 'good' poker is, and you will benefit long-term (covered by mrm and Slik above:ok). After my 'chat' with Gaf I played a $3 STT, and everything just seemed less 'cluttered'. I knew I was making the right decisions and ended up winning. If you need a chat cloud, gissa shout on MSN.:ok
I can do no more than say....The above advice is absolutely spot on!!!! Why? you may ask............During Feb/march I couldnt beat 7 high with A's if the Table folded!!!!!!! An exageration maybe but that was how it felt, until I had a chat with Mr V...He told me what i already knew...I CAN PLAY POKER!....I sat back, accepted the bad beats and within 3 days won an SO Free roll, qualified for the SO super Sunday, qualified for the GP Ibiza trip (?) QUADRUPLED my bankroll on Prima, won a Pokerstars Free roll(I look very nice in me Hoody..WORD! :lol and got a very fetching Bridesmaid Dress for numerous PL Private games(Still profit tho :tongue2 ) All the advice consisted of was...Dont beat yourself up over things you CANT change and just do what you do best.........PLAY POKER! Obvious advice?? Not when your in the place you are now unless someone else reminds you....then it becomes crystal clear you only have to sit tight and it WILL turn around :ok Remember...The only thing guaranteed about luck is it WILL change :ok Good luck mate(Unless I'm on the Table) C.R. (Being a bit phillosophical)
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Re: Confidence Cheers guys - I have actually got to the stage where I have stopped enjoying it. I think I'm good enough to do OK at the game, but when I've had such a bad run it does put a few doubts in my mind. I guess I started expecting to be beat - and that is not a great mindset to start playing with - and that probably contributed to my run. Time to take a step back, jump back a level and start playing some good poker again.

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