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Advice needed


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Hi all . Was playing rounders in dream poker today at level 1 . I played twice and here's how it goes . :loon First game always in middle stack , didn't really take control of anything . Ran out of steam in the final 3 . Was heavily bombarded by the other 2 who obviously had more chips than me . Pocketed 9 10 That guy had J 10 Flop Q 9 10 I didn't go all in stupid me . Turn 8 And the rest is history .:wall 2nd game which just ended . Incidentally i was playing in the progressive cash table . Had pocketed 6s . Someone with pocket aces raised me . I called . Flop comes 8h Jh 6d . I raise the aces call and flop came Q c . Went all-in and he called . River was 6h . Hit quads . A cash pot of $200 . :clap :clap :clap :clap Back to the rounders game . At the same time , i had pocket aces on my table . Raised 3 times BB and was called by one caller . Flop came 10 K 3 . I betted huge , he called . Turn Q . I betted huge again , he called . River (Can't remeber) . Anyway , i won that pot and got chip leader position at about 4.7 k. Eventually , down to 4 players . Having being outplayed in a hand which i stupidly held on to , i was left with 2.2 k of chips with the lowest stack . the deadly card of 72 came to me . I went all-in knowing that i worshipped that hand like Pocket aces:loon :loon :loon :loon :loon . Someone with 99 called and the rest is history . :wall Despite this 2 rounds of games i played , i find that i can do relatively well at the start . In the middle not so , Pathetic ( YES Pathetic ) towards the end . Any idea how i can improve to actually clear level 1 ? Actually i was pi**ed off with the 2nd game . I clearly had a big chip lead , and yet i still went out 4th . :wall :wall :wall :wall Comments is needed . Thanks :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

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Re: Advice needed

Any idea how i can improve to actually clear level 1 ?
Yes, don't bet heavy on your 72os, it's fine with a MTT. The guys were probably waiting for you to go all in on something and the chances were if one of them had a card he'd probably call you. I don't mean to sound patronising but you had enough chips to wait for a decent hand and could have tried the steal with something stronger.
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Re: Advice needed Just wait newbie! The simplest (and bast?) STT stratgey is patience. Let people knock each other out and pick up what you can. If AA comes along 2nd hand and you go all in and get a caller and win, that buys you even more time to wait. It doesn't matter that the blinds are cutting into your stack, what does matter is avoiding crap shoot situations until you have to - which on any STT is when the blinds are 150/300 and you have less than 1500 (imo!), by which time you should be able to loosen up safely anyway as there will only be about 5 players left. :ok

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Re: Advice needed

Yes' date=' don't bet heavy on your 72os, it's fine with a MTT. The guys were probably waiting for you to go all in on something and the chances were if one of them had a card he'd probably call you. I don't mean to sound patronising but you had enough chips to wait for a decent hand and could have tried the steal with something stronger.[/quote'] Blinds were like 100/200 at that stage . I normally wouldn't try this on a cash game though . Seeing that i'm the lowest stack , i got to try to act that i have some big hand isn't it ? :loon Anyway , isn't 72o A BIg hand to begin with ? :lol :lol :lol :lol I'll have a go at it again and see how it goes . :ok
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Re: Advice needed echo what Mr V said, take your time and play your cards only if they are great. I play a lot of 10 players stts on prima and it's not unusal for me to fold my first 30 hands. Poker when played reasonably well is a dull game. If you want exictment go bet on a dog race. Blinds are meaningless at this stage, 3 times rounds the table is going to knock 10% off my stack. Not worth the risk, because early on in a STT, you will always get called. I use this to my advantage, if I get a top 5 hand I'll try and double up, otherwise just wait.

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Re: Advice needed well i came in 1st in my 5th attempt . Surprising thing is , NOBODY Believes what i had . Everyone's calling my strong hands . I'm not sure why is that so . All in all , i took out 6 players from my table in a dominating game . Screenshots to follow .

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Re: Advice needed Just had a go in my free token entry to the 2nd level of rounders and look what happened . :loon :loon :loon Had to depend on my big stack counterparty to finish the other player off and i finished the big stack party in 2 hands . :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon 2ndroundwinner2uj.jpg :gimme :gimme :gimme :gimme :gimme :gimme Level 3 next to tackle . :lol Anyone won up to level 5 with the prize money ?

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