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poker in leic an update(lucky suit for sale!)


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Re: poker in leicester 2nite should be there - I will be the one with the stinking cold ;) Damo

following my 2nd place in last weeks live game at annabelles stanley casino im looking 2 go 1 better 2nite last entry is 7.45pm £10 entry and £10 rebuys for 1st couple of hours' date=' if any PL players wish to join me :nana[/quote']
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poker in leic an update(lucky suit for sale!) an interesting evening at annabelles last nite i managed 2 blow £50 in the poker got dealt RAGS all nite, my best starting hand of pp cowboys were called all in by pp bullets, flop came A77 ,turn card A, river K, 1st rebuy of nite for me, during the break met up with robilaruk , he wasnt kidding when he said he was full of the cold,robilaruk eventually got knocked out in 18th or 19th place all in on pp7s. I managed 2 hang on in until eventually got knocked out in 11th place on the bubble all in K10 called by 2 players both with aces which both hit ....worst place 2 finish on the bubble isnt it!!!:cry anyway after getting knocked out went onto the roullette and the blackjack and eventually left the casino £1020 up:nana so all of a sudden i didnt feel so bad about the poker, same again next week i hope. "LUCKY SUIT FOR SALE"- WORN ONLY 3 TIMES- 1st time got laid after 3 months abstinense,2nd time-won £270 finishing 2nd in my first ever live game,3rd time won £1020 last nite place your bids here .........:drums

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Re: poker in leic an update(lucky suit for sale!) NICe one matey - and nice to put a face to a forum name. Good nite all round I thought, and yes Mr Loose-Call-with-any-face-card-or-any-two-connectors believed his J9 off suit was worth my shove of 8BB from the SB for about 75% of his stack after he limped in from MP. He had played like that all night:eyes :eyes :eyes So out in 18th I think?, My mate got bolloxed 2 hands later by a limp caller with any two suited who hit their flush on the flop, whilst my mate had top pair (Aces) and top flush draw (Ace) - needless to say the 4th flush card didn't materialise! Fantastic crowd, very chatty and friendly, gave us newbies plenty of good luck and good advice when we arrived - highly recommended and I only re-bought once, so an enjoyable nite for a measily £20 :) Cheers Damo ps given your new BR, one assumes you are entering the £50 buy in this sunday? :clap :clap :clap

an interesting evening at annabelles last nite i managed 2 blow £50 in the poker got dealt RAGS all nite' date=' my best starting hand of pp cowboys were called all in by pp bullets, flop came A77 ,turn card A, river K, 1st rebuy of nite for me, during the break met up with robilaruk , he wasnt kidding when he said he was full of the cold,robilaruk eventually got knocked out in 18th or 19th place all in on pp7s. I managed 2 hang on in until eventually got knocked out in 11th place on the bubble all in K10 called by 2 players both with aces which both hit ....worst place 2 finish on the bubble isnt it!!!:cry anyway after getting knocked out went onto the roullette and the blackjack and eventually left the casino £1020 up:nana so all of a sudden i didnt feel so bad about the poker, same again next week i hope. "LUCKY SUIT FOR SALE"- WORN ONLY 3 TIMES- 1st time got laid after 3 months abstinense,2nd time-won £270 finishing 2nd in my first ever live game,3rd time won £1020 last nite place your bids here .........:drums[/quote']
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