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When Disconnected


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Playing Stan James Last night

$1000 for first place

With about 60 players left the server crashes everyone panic’s and disconnects; at this point I am not in a comfortable position with 13000 chips.

I just sat there and found I was the only person connected. As this was a freeroll I continued to raise and pickup the blinds.

20 minutes later I get moved table and started getting abused by people saying I was cheating. I happen to be sitting there with 130,000 chips. a few other guys obviously did the same as me.

Ended up 6th after 3 bad beats in a row.

They were calling me all names under the sun, think they were just bitter, one guy stayed just to abuse people. but would they have done differently??? in my defence, my broadband had gone down earltier and no-body stopped for me. Would anyone else have done anything differently?

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Re: When Disconnected Mate, I've done the same many times.... If you're the only one at the table who's connected what are you supposed to do - fold? Nope, I agree totally with you, I would ahve done the same thing. In the KoP there were regularly times when I was the only one connected at the table and I just took the blinds until I was moved. It sounds like they were just bitter that they weren't as lucky as you - good luck to ya and don't let them bother you or stop you from taking the blinds in future.

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Re: When Disconnected Rosco, as you said - they didn't stop for you! Have done the same thing several times, and to be fair to my opponents, no-one's ever criticised me for it - they've said they'd do the same thing. Sounds like you just got unlucky by being on a table with a bitter bunch of guys (or gals.)

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Re: When Disconnected in all fairness, i'm sure the right thing to do would be to sit and wait for everyone to come back - perhaps you could extend this to real money tables whereby if you win, you share the money equally with everyone who entered Angel.gif BOLLOX!! In any given situation, if people are disconnected, you play on - if it was a table of 8, for example, and 5 others reconnected leaving 6 of you with 2 disconnects, would you all wait for the other 2? Hell no! So where would you draw the line? Half table full = continue? Most sensible thing is to carry on, as would any other person in that situation and, for those who were having hissy fits, perhaps they could direct themselves towards the site operators WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE TO AVOID CRASHES. Just smells of bitterness to me. Well done on coming 6th Big-Thumbs-Up.gif

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Re: When Disconnected :clap Take the Blinds m8 everytime. Not your faullt. :ok They never wait for you . i have gone 20mins late and 2 people on table nicking the blinds.. I join and they ask me if i want to carry on and shre the blinds:loon Hell yes is the answer only had about 600. never won anything but it goes to show everybody doesit. And some want to share..:ok

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Re: When Disconnected Thanks peeps A freeroll is slightly different, as its a freeroll and the operator is never going to do anything. There are no rules on this, whether there are moral rules that's different. People will have different views for cash games. it came up some time back watching poker 425 with tony Kendall where a tournament with 3 players left, 2 got disconnected and the other one took the blinds. there was outrage on a forum about this. Tikay stated he should have sat out too. To be honest I would continue as I did in the freeroll, unless its against friends or punters then would either sit out or just agree to split the pot 3 ways. Although if they were hungarian I would nick all thier chips.

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Re: When Disconnected I am most disappointed rosco :( I can quite honestly say i would NEVER do that. :@ Wouldn't get the flippin chance - would i? :rollin What's the aim of being in a poker game? - To win. When someone is shortstacked and they become a target for the largestacks, is that bullying? Well, yes - but it's definately not cheating You are looking to take your opponents chips without losing any of your own. That's all you did, but it wasn't you putting them at a disadvantage, so why should you be feeling guilty? A little smug, sure - but not guilty :ok

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Re: When Disconnected When it happened to me playing in the tikays tourney I HONESTLY left PLers blinds alone, but took any that I could - as would have anyone. Gaf? actually saw me do this and asked me why, and shortly after Pene popped up on MSN and told me the site was down for maintenance. That was when I thought, "sod it" and started to take everyones blinds. When people started logging back on I didn't play for a couple of 'orbits' - folding decent hands along the way. As soon as I tried to play non-PLers just kept raising me. I'd do exactly the same again.

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Re: When Disconnected

Well done Rosco. U did the right thing, as they would do the same to you in a flash mate, dont worry bout getting called names, your in the money haha!! Good results all round for you last night, 6th place and a team poker win, nice one!!
Not really up until then I was well down lost $50 on a cash game and lost 3 stt's so that was another $44 down the drain. and I have to share the $50 cos didnt play all the game myself. Won the important one thou:cow:cow
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