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lost patience ever?


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Re: lost patience ever?

No doubt there was a large number of disappointed insurance salesmen in the area after that!!
LISTER: Well, come with us back to Dallas, November 1963, be a second gunman. The gunman behind the grassy knoll. KENNEDY You mean, assassinate myself? LISTER Yeah! It'll drive the conspiracy nuts crazy, but they'll never figure it out!!. Coincidentally Spur, I have a copy of someone's diagram of his accident on his claim form which I thought looked like the plan for the shooting of JFK, complete with the Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll (but no-one else at work could see it so I think I was using a little bit too much imagination!)
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Re: lost patience ever? i agree with valiants comments and his new avatar is a good example:) do good things and good things happen to you etc etc ,if your playing good but getting no luck eventually it turns your way. you cant win a decent standard tourney without a fair bit of luck and some decent cards,youve just gotta ride the storm a wait for karma to take its course:ok

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Re: lost patience ever?

Jeez - where to start. Rule No.1 When you start to throw your chips or cash away. STOP PLAYING! You know when that is, and thats when you start paying to see flops and try to justify to yourself why you did it. For example, earlier in an STT you had AKo in late position and raised it 5xBB, and the muppet opposite called your raise with Q7o and hit trip 7's on the river despite you flopping a King. So, you see Q7o and decide to play the way he did - even though you know you should fold. When you lose you blame the poker gods, not yourself. Poker is an easy game - when you're winning. When you aren't winning it can be one of the toughest mental strains you will face outside of work. Obviously if you are finding playing more than one MTT too demanding, you will have to choose which one you're gonna concentrate on. The only other thing I can suggest is to sit-out for a while, until you feel able to concentrate, or put some music on which helps you to do this.
I totally agree. Been there, done that. I think that could be why my last couple of weeks in the MKOP went badly..... 1. Trying to hard. 2. Hated it but felt I had to play. 3. Mentaly tired. 4. Giving up and going all in to get out of the game. 5. Temper and frustration at not getting any hands. I'm sure most of us could pick at least 1 of the above and associate it with a part of their game at some point. For those of you who have not, please PM me the secret of avoiding the above! :ok Saying that, I played Tuesday night after not playing all of the Easter weekend and was cr@p.
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Re: lost patience ever? I've just lost patience playing sporting odds safety net freerol with some ***** hungarian who raised everything he had an going allin with 9 4 likes and whats more winning :@ :@ :@ :@ and this thing goes everyday the same...

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Re: lost patience ever?

I've just lost patience playing sporting odds safety net freerol with some ***** hungarian who raised everything he had an going allin with 9 4 likes and whats more winning :@ :@ :@ :@ and this thing goes everyday the same...
I know Icky. I appeared all to briefly - hia AJ beat my A9.:\ Not really there long enough to say Hi (Higgs23pl).
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Re: lost patience ever? I lose patience all to often :cry It so hard to concentrate for hours on end. I can cope when i'm beat by a better hand but i get mad with myself when i knew it was the wrong play to make :wall To tell you the truth its hard to concentrate full stop with the Wife and three kids in the same room as the computer :lol I find if you do the washing up or ironing while playing it tends to relieve the bordom factor and gets you in to the good books!

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