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Boss Media Boycott?


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Okay, my apologies to Joe Legge, who's been extremely helpful to PL in a number of ways, I know... but how does a PL-wide boycott of Boss Media, starting when the current poker.co.uk and SO leagues finish sound? I've just read jeffster's latest update, and am furious at the way they're treating us. As most people know, I was less than happy with the way my own chat ban was resolved, and since they appear to want nothing to do with the Lounge, I'm fecked if I see why we should hand over our money to play there! Negative part of this is that they are providing prizes for us, but surely we can persuade another friendly site to run some tourneys for us next time? And to be honest, if we can't, I'm tempted to say feck it we should just play for pride, or something. (Disclaimer: I find it incredibly easy to say this as I have virtually no chance of finishing in the top 10 of any league going so prizes don't make much difference to me, I quite understand if better players aren't quite so keen!!) Am slightly drunk so this may make very little sense in the morning, but they're REALLY getting on my tits now!

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Re: Boss Media Boycott? Jaded, As posted by me in another thread : "Tough question, Gaz....(Gazabroad) I know, from personal experience, Joe Legge at Sporting Odds, has been very helpful, and also PLer , MattD (Matt Dale) is a friend of mine and a sound, decent guy who owns / runs poker.co.uk, and a boycott would damage these guys, NOT just B*** M****, who are the real culprits in this..." I can understand where you're coming from, I really can, but I just wish any punitive action such as a boycott could ONLY affect B*** M****, and not SO, and Poker.co.uk as well..... Its a toughie, though....I am well fecked off with B*** M****

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Re: Boss Media Boycott? Fair point Jeff - as I said, Joe's been great to PL'ers, and Matt seems like a good guy from what he's posted on here, and I certainly don't want us to appear ungrateful - but Boss Media are taking the piss atm!! As you say, it would be much better if we could sort something out which would affect Boss but NOT SO or poker.co.uk or other sites on the network - ideas, anyone?

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Re: Boss Media Boycott? DEFINITELY NOT IMO. Boss Media are a shambles....... However, they have skins which are trying to do good things - look at Joe from SO and Matt from poker.co.uk - I don't think anyone can have any complaints about them - they are good guys and have gone out of their way to support PL. Look at the PL Virgin freeroll - you really want to boycot that? I don't!!! We get a lot of "value" from Boss Media sites - and this is BEFORE you consider the poor quality (free money) of their players (is anywhere a lower standard?) We boycott Boss Media and it will hit Matt and Joe a lot more than it hits Boss Media - Boss Media will barely notice it - SO and Poker.co.uk will have a far bigger impact - you're "hitting" the wrong guys. Poker.co.uk are planning a further, second, sponsored series with us after this one - are we really saying we don't want their sponsorship of our league? Maybe SO will want to do another next month (I haven't been in contact with Joe yet). The biggest losers will be PL'rs. Next would be the skins, and the least impacted would be Boss. I do have some sympathy with the notion that PL shouldn't be "advertised" in poker rooms - think what we are - we encourage "whores" and a search for value - Poker networks won't want their loyal customers finding sites like ours and "shopping around" (though I have no sympathy for the way Boss have dealt with this) - most online poker players probably have just one poker room installed on their machine and always play there - how many PL'rs are like that?

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Re: Boss Media Boycott? I think the first thing to do is to have a serious talk with Joe and Matt about our frustrations. After all, to us this is annoying, sure, but it's not really that important in the scheme of things. But to them, on one hand it's their livelihood, and on the other hand they surely have a lot more knowledge of how Boss Media works and a lot more influence with Boss Media than we do.

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Re: Boss Media Boycott?

Look at the PL Virgin freeroll - you really want to boycot that? I don't!!!
I said after the leagues and stuff have finished, so it wouldn't affect that! Fair enough if it'll hurt other people more than Boss, as I said, have a lot of respect for Joe and Matt especially. Just fed up with people being treated like shit by Boss.
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Re: Boss Media Boycott? This is definately a tough nut to crack. Are we not advertising by having a PL freeroll though - won't people wonder what PL is and go looking???!? To say the chat ban is because we are advertising sites that are not BM (no longer giving free advertising) is really taking the plith because i am pretty sure there are many other sites that get mentioned in chat that do not end up with bans resulting. Are they going to ban someone for mentioning google as well? Pretty sure you can find non BM sites on there somewhere. A boycott may be a bit harsh - purely because of those it affects that have been assisting us. A petition that we can get published in a poker magazine??? That would be a bit more interesting. Negative feedback for all to see about BM themselves instead of the affiliate sites. A boycott would save me money - thats for sure, but how do we get our teeth into BM?

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Re: Boss Media Boycott?

Are we not advertising by having a PL freeroll though - won't people wonder what PL is and go looking???
No - if you haven't downloaded the site from PL, then you can't see the freeroll. It is the same with the poker.co.uk games. The SO games are freely visible to all - but don't mention PL
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