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Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance !


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Guys and Gals, The latest (and last..) email from Boss Media re my chat ban.... It now appears "official" that we cannot "advertise" Punters Lounge on Boss Media affiliated sites : ====== Please reply above this line ====== RE: Sporting Odds Chat Ban (FAO Malcolm Campbell) Dear Jeff, Thank you for your e-mail regarding this issue. In my previous e-mail I used the words 'mention of sites which could be perceived as advertising', this is to protect the interest of all affiliations to the Boss Media poker product. I can confirm we do check all sites named in the chat logs, and whilst, as you correctly state, punters lounge does refer to a number of Boss Media sites, this is still advertising and therefore unacceptable. As I am sure you are aware punters lounge is not exclusively linked to Boss Media and does not include links to all poker sites using the Boss Media software, and it is from this point of view the link is seen as advertising. We hope this clarifies matters for you, however please do not hesitate in contacting us if we can be of any further assistance. Kind Regards ---------------------------------------------------- Lyn Donnelly Customer Service (Supervisor) IPN Response Suite 812, Europort Gibraltar International 350 51710 Freephone UK 0800 376 2815 Freephone USA 18667452385 ARSE ! FECK ! TOSS ! I stand by my original statement - "Boss Media are a bunch of arrogant up themselves Twats !" :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@

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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance ! I know, Slapdash, me no understand, either....But I am tired of banging me head against a brick wall, mate.... Just wait till Punters Lounge DOES have its own poker site....We can ask who potential players work for, and if the answer is "B*** M****" , up will pop a message saying : "Feck Off ! You're names not down, you're not coming in ! " :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance ! Tough question, Gaz.... I know, from personal experience, Joe Legge at Sporting Odds, has been very helpful, and also PLer , MattD (Matt Dale) is a friend of mine and a sound, decent guy who owns / runs poker.co.uk, and a boycott would damage these guys, NOT just B*** M****, who are the real culprits in this...

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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance ! Never been a union man myself, but sometimes its the only way to get results. Possibly a temporary ban as in striking may get somewhere if it was a few forums together perhaps???? I dont know but the answer is eventually going to be decided by B*** M**** otherwise.

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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance !

Tough question, Gaz.... I know, from personal experience, Joe Legge at Sporting Odds, has been very helpful, and also PLer , MattD (Matt Dale) is a friend of mine and a sound, decent guy who owns / runs poker.co.uk, and a boycott would damage these guys, NOT just B*** M****, who are the real culprits in this...
Cheers Jeff, appreciate that, and am genuinely sorry to hear of the problems you've been having with chat bans and the like. I am away in Dublin at the moment, but will be back in England on Wednesday. On my return, I will look further into these complaints.
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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance !

Do we not think that its time for a boycott of B*** M**** sites?
Joe Legge has been great to us... no need for any boycot... the only ones who that will damage is us... as players... won't hurt Boss media at all!!!! And Sporting odds has been sponsoring our league this month... totally disagree with a boycot...
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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance !

Tough question, Gaz.... I know, from personal experience, Joe Legge at Sporting Odds, has been very helpful, and also PLer , MattD (Matt Dale) is a friend of mine and a sound, decent guy who owns / runs poker.co.uk, and a boycott would damage these guys, NOT just B*** M****, who are the real culprits in this...
Quite agree Jeffster. It's B*** M**** who need the punishment, not the sites who use it. SO & Poker.co.uk have been very good to us, and what with Virgin coming in too, boycotting these sites would be punishing the wrong people, and ignored by B*** M****. Need a way to get our point across to B*** M****, without impinging on the sites, as I think our point has been well made to them. Look no further than Joe for evidence of that.
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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance !

Quite agree Jeffster. It's B*** M**** who need the punishment' date=' not the sites who use it. SO & Poker.co.uk have been very good to us, and what with Virgin coming in too, boycotting these sites would be punishing the wrong people, and ignored by B*** M****. Need a way to get our point across to B*** M****, without impinging on the sites, as I think our point has been well made to them. Look no further than Joe for evidence of that.[/quote'] Could someone PM me the contact details for Joe? I'd like to discuss this with him. Thanks :) Matt
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Re: Boss Media - Contemptible Arrogance ! If you really want to make a positive stand against them why not help them to enforce their own policy. I'd suggest having word pad or similar open every time you play and in every instance of advertising or foriegn chat take a screenshot and addit to the wordpad file. Subsequently email them the file once a day. Email to Boss Media directly and add a reference (which you can keep as the name of the file). When an offending player is then spotted at a table you can send your current file, report him has a repeat offender and state the case of jeffster as a president. Non of this is too difficult or time consuming but if everyone did it they'd be getting the same info multiplied by X. Every so often just ask why they never respond to your emails - I think they're obliged to reply. We'll never hurt them but we can annoy them!

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