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Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight...


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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight... How the feck can Lillelars be a permanent "Team North" Player ????? Since WHEN has DENMARK been in the north of England ?????? Your "geographical prowess" is astounding, Morls.....NOT ! :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2

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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight...

How the feck can Lillelars be a permanent "Team North" Player ????? Since WHEN has DENMARK been in the north of England ?????? Your "geographical prowess" is astounding, Morls.....NOT ! :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2
If you go way way back to our ancesters........... ...................We should ALL be playing for Team Pink! :D
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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight... Gaza.... like it or not .... you will still be kicking some english arse tonight when we win :o)))) Vikings comes not only from Denmark, but also from Norway and Sweden ... hence ROTW ..... hahahaha just kidding girls ..... didn't know you were that sensitive .... :moon:moon:moon:moon:moon

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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight...

wooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo Lillelars .... that's soooo right!!!!!! you know why the owl goes wooohoooooooooooo...... in the niiiiight ?????
Erm... I sent Lillelars to bed last night, early... after winning for the enemy!!!! ...that was NOT part of the deal... :@ He he... but I think he doesn't know... and neither do I....???
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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight...

he he...my heart vill allways be whith the Pinks.. sorry north. I vill try and do my best though... ;-)
Well lars, there is always a place for you on our team mate, you did us proud last night, and just think, if our team beats your sisters team, the bragging rights are all yours mate for 1 whole year, you will be the champion haha!! and pene cant do a thing about it!......think of the glory!
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Re: Morlspin, I am ready to fill in tonight...

Well lars, there is always a place for you on our team mate, you did us proud last night, and just think, if our team beats your sisters team, the bragging rights are all yours mate for 1 whole year, you will be the champion haha!! and pene cant do a thing about it!......think of the glory!
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