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Punters Lounge Poker - Credit where its due....


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Just posted this on another thread, which, on reflection, I feel deserves its own thread : "Just shy mate.....Top 9 get paid..... Credit where its due though, my poker has definitely come on a bundle since I joined Punters Lounge (Mind you, I was complete sh@t to begin with !) :loon I even make the points in the free to play poker pub poker league now ! Shock ! Horror ! Was 8th out of 40 last night....Top 16 get points....(http://www.poker.co.uk/league) Points ? Me ? Never, at least "BPL" (Before Punters Lounge)..... SHIT ! Hope "Ross the Boss" doesnt ban me for "advertising" the live pub poker league.....:unsure:unsure:unsure" Being a part of the great community that is the PL Poker Forum has definitely improved my game, although some would say that it couldnt fail to....:rollin Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen for improving my poker via your knowledge, hints and tips, and also being a bloody good laugh ! :ok:ok:ok Now excuse me while I go and find the Kleenex and have "a private moment"...NOOOOOOOOOOOO, DAC, not THAT ! :loon:loon:loon

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker - Credit where its due....

Happy for your succes Jeffster :D ... and I am glad to contribute to your stay here... If I can in any way... :ok
Course you can, Pene.... Just gimme your address, I will send you over some Kronor (Kroner ?) , and you can send me back a whole load of Chokolade Paelleg :clap
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Re: Punters Lounge Poker - Credit where its due....

Course you can, Pene.... Just gimme your address, I will send you over some Kronor (Kroner ?) , and you can send me back a whole load of Chokolade Paelleg :clap
He he, no problem... "Kroner" is right...and it is Pålæg...!!! or: Paalaeg... pressume you don't have the letters å and æ on your keyboard... ;)
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