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Sub needed Team Tartan


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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan

All of us outsiders were getting worried about Catholic v Protestant internecine conflict within Team Tartan ... and now you get the Pope to join?????
:rollin No bigotry on our team......even if UEFA reckons it's ok! Thanks to POPE for stepping in at short notice :ok
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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan

All of us outsiders were getting worried about Catholic v Protestant internecine conflict within Team Tartan ... and now you get the Pope to join?????
And does the Pope sh*t in the woods?? that's what I want to know:( :(
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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan

All of us outsiders were getting worried about Catholic v Protestant internecine conflict within Team Tartan ... and now you get the Pope to join?????
im gonna phone the Sun.i can see the headline now... "pope in online gambling shock"
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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan

Mal, I have mates in NI that are British and some that are Irish and a couple that are just downright confused.
yes mate same for us.its whatever floats your boat in this wee country of ours so it dosent bother us either way.we have more inportant things to think about like rearranging our sock drawers and stuff like that.:lol.i mean my surname is so famous the even named a fort after it:ok
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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan How did you know she was mixed race? :loon My house mate started calling her "Julie the Schoolie" which is a bit embaressing.

How did you get her up when she fell
She was up like a shot mate, must have had something to do with those Japanese lads carrying harpoons rattling the front door.
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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan If you need any extra, you can put me down for team Tartan. I can't play tonight though as mighty Glentoran are playing Portadown (thanks to Pope for stepping in). I don't know the rules/ conditions for playing (and I can't be assed reading the seperate thread) but I'll give it a go. If your ever stuck again for players and I'm available, I'll gladly step in.

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Re: Sub needed Team Tartan

im gonna phone the Sun.i can see the headline now... "pope in online gambling shock"
Yeh, and he's good too - well done on winning your table. Not sure it counts though? :sad Think they just played it out after all the problems and will need to run an official one later. Incidently Pope, your avatar's dead. Where's the new one? :lol
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