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Extreme Turbo Hand History


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Thought I'd try posting this up to give people a chance to take a look, add comments, etc... see whether I can convince everyone that there is some element of skill involved, and that very few players seem to have it! Will post the first few hands now and more later on, all in this thread (was tempted to do thread per hand but thought I might end up clogging the front page and knocking off the inferior teams messageboards! :tongue2 HAND 1 ** Game ID 756650469 starting - 2006-04-13 19:48:45 ** Extreme Turbo $5 AC [Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - STT) Real Money - Toope sitting in seat 1 with $1000.00 - mancmarc sitting in seat 2 with $1000.00 - nilsjo11 sitting in seat 3 with $1000.00 [Dealer] - jas0n sitting in seat 4 with $990.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 5 with $980.00 - candy86 sitting in seat 6 with $1000.00 - micke007 sitting in seat 7 with $1000.00 - sawdaddy sitting in seat 8 with $1000.00 - johnson5757 sitting in seat 9 with $1000.00 - Mr_Borgi sitting in seat 10 with $1000.00 jas0n posted the small blind - $10.00 JadedJ posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: King of Clubs, Ace of Hearts candy86 raised - $40.00 micke007 called - $40.00 sawdaddy folded johnson5757 called - $40.00 Mr_Borgi folded Toope folded mancmarc called - $40.00 nilsjo11 raised - $60.00 jas0n folded JadedJ went all-in - $980.00 candy86 went all-in - $960.00 micke007 folded johnson5757 went all-in - $960.00 mancmarc folded nilsjo11 folded candy86 shows: 10 of Spades, Queen of Clubs johnson5757 shows: Jack of Hearts, Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Diamonds, 2 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: King of Spades JadedJ wins $3150.00 from the main pot End of game 756650469 Okay, slightly lucky on the river - but I DID have the best hand going in. The idea behind the bet was that I thought there was a fair chance I'd win without a showdown, to get a reasonable pot straight away, and convey my wanted table image of a maniac. Didn't work out like that, but massive chiplead and loose table image is a decent start :nana -------------------------------------------------------- HAND 2 ** Game ID 756651809 starting - 2006-04-13 19:49:37 ** Extreme Turbo $5 AC [Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 No Limit - STT) Real Money - Toope sitting in seat 1 with $1000.00 - mancmarc sitting in seat 2 with $960.00 - nilsjo11 sitting in seat 3 with $940.00 - jas0n sitting in seat 4 with $990.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 5 with $3140.00 - micke007 sitting in seat 7 with $940.00 - sawdaddy sitting in seat 8 with $1000.00 - Mr_Borgi sitting in seat 10 with $1000.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $10.00 micke007 posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 10 of Diamonds, 2 of Spades sawdaddy folded Mr_Borgi called - $20.00 Toope folded mancmarc folded nilsjo11 folded jas0n called - $20.00 JadedJ folded micke007 bet - $40.00 Mr_Borgi called - $40.00 jas0n called - $40.00 ** Dealing the flop: Jack of Hearts, Ace of Spades, 10 of Clubs micke007 bet - $60.00 Mr_Borgi raised - $480.00 jas0n folded micke007 raised - $900.00 Mr_Borgi went all-in - $480.00 micke007 went all-in - $20.00 micke007 shows: 9 of Spades, Ace of Hearts Mr_Borgi shows: 8 of Clubs, Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades micke007 wins $985.00 from the main pot Mr_Borgi wins $985.00 from the main pot End of game 756651809 Okay, easy fold for me. (Yes, even I fold T2o with 2 callers before me. The A8 raise to me is far too big, and the A9 reraise is crazy, unless he's played Borgi before and knows that he likes Aces.) -------------------------------------------------- HAND 3 ** Game ID 756652751 starting - 2006-04-13 19:50:38 ** Extreme Turbo $5 AC [Hold 'em] (40.00|80.00 No Limit - STT) Real Money - Toope sitting in seat 1 with $1000.00 - mancmarc sitting in seat 2 with $960.00 - nilsjo11 sitting in seat 3 with $940.00 - jas0n sitting in seat 4 with $950.00 - JadedJ sitting in seat 5 with $3140.00 [Dealer] - micke007 sitting in seat 7 with $965.00 - sawdaddy sitting in seat 8 with $960.00 - Mr_Borgi sitting in seat 10 with $1025.00 micke007 posted the small blind - $20.00 sawdaddy posted the big blind - $40.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 2 of Hearts, 6 of Diamonds Mr_Borgi called - $40.00 Toope called - $40.00 mancmarc folded nilsjo11 raised - $240.00 jas0n folded JadedJ folded micke007 folded sawdaddy folded Mr_Borgi folded Toope called - $240.00 ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 4 of Spades, 2 of Clubs Toope went all-in - $760.00 nilsjo11 went all-in - $700.00 Toope shows: 8 of Spades, Ace of Clubs nilsjo11 shows: Jack of Hearts, King of Hearts ** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades ** Dealing the river: 10 of Diamonds Toope wins $1980.00 from the main pot End of game 756652751 2 callers and a big raise makes 62o a very easy fold. (I realise that for most people, 62o is ALWAYS an easy fold, but this is me we're talking about...) 6xBB with KJs from that seat seems high, but calling with the A8o is crazy... after the flop, I can see the logic in the all-in. Toope correctly worked out it was likely to have missed nils, and it left him with a straight draw and a backdoor flush draw. IMO, nils needs to lay it down here - Toope could conceivably be playing high suited connectors and bluffing here, but any other hand and he's behind. Will post more when I get back from the pub quiz, thoughts so far, anyone?

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Re: Extreme Turbo Hand History Hi Jaded, First of all, congratulations on folding 2 out of the opening 3 hands!!! :lol I can't comment on anything else as I'm afraid 'extreme turbo' is not real poker to me - It's just 'all in city' so you might as well play the Sporting Odds Safety Net and play 'Hungarian'. :unsure Actually, the way I'm playing at the moment I might just give it a try!!! :rollin

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