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Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight


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The up and coming young guns of poker like Ivey and Negreanu claim that you should play loosely in the early stages of tournaments because their is a lot of "dead" money to be won, whereas the more experienced pros like Brunson and Cloutier feel the opposite is true - that you should play extremely tight. Where do you stand in this arguement? I personally feel that online you should play very tight as although there is a lot of chips to be won from nutters, it is very like that they will get lucky and you will be busted out.

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight Just my thoughts... I tend to play tight during the early rounds unless you get a big pair or hit your flop on the blinds. I don't really start trying to play until the blinds have hit 150/75 as stealing these once twice every couple of rounds can see you through until you get some good cards and if you've been playing tight your fellow players should respect your raises. The middle to end of a tourny is again a different kettle of fish.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight Interesting, I always used to play quite loose in the early stages when the blinds were low, however over the last couple of months i have been playing TAG right from the start and am now reaching far more final tables :ok

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight I think it's always worth playing the opposite to other players. Generally I play tight but if it's a table that's playing as tight as a fleas ass then loosen up for a few hands, you only need a few blinds to get a psychological lead and set a good table image early on.

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight I've generally found that I get furthest in tournaments by playing very tight to begin with when there are a number of muppets still in the tournament. After they've gone out with their 93 offsuit All In hand then you should start to loosen up a bit. That said finding the correct time to loosen up is the hardest thing to do in my book - hence the last final table I made I was so low on chips I had to go All In twice in the first 3 hands. Even if I'd have won them both I'd still have been short stacked. Of course in tonight's tournament now I'm going to play loose agressive from the off.;) DP

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight :lol @ Mick. I play ultra tight at the beginning, but if starting chips are 1.5k and over, Im usually prepared to spare 200-250 chips to see flop for size of BB if half decent hand. If Im raised. I will fold. Let all muppets kill each other first, then go on loose spree :ok.

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight usually tight for me but thes best i done was winning the maxim monday final and i done that by taking the huff cause i had so few chips going on the tilt and winning about 6 all-ins in a row so loose done me quite well that night.

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight keep changing your styles. even though there are loads of muppets in the early rounds ...it makes sense to play them with marginal hands.takes a bit of nerve as they will call with nothing then hit bottom pair and go all in!!!. easiest chips early. but u need to be in position with a half decent hand and raise pre flop if no one raises. then change from tight to loose as you feel the table change.

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight I think I'm probably too tight for my own good sometimes, but I want to make my chips last as long as possible. I always seem to remember seeing loose players lose a lot of chips and then when they only have a few chips they hit the monster hands like QQ - robilaruk did exactly that tonight. I do have a problem changing styles, and have considered trying a looser style. The problem is I have no idea how to... :sad

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight I like to play a few hands early in the tournament, if I win a few hands and my stack rises then I will continue to play loose, if I lose a quarter of my starting chips I will start playing ultra tight. It is not a system that seems to work very well for me and I may have to change it :cry

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Re: Tournament Theory - Loose or Tight it varies, depending on the quality of the tournement, in the higher value stt's and mtt's then tight is right. The people you are playing are decent. Respect them. In the lower values, you can be a bit more relaxed. Watch for one round of the table. I figure 50% of the people at the tables, don't know how to put down preflop. Unless you get a good read on someone, go all teh way with a group 1 or 2 hand. If they call you with trash, from time to time, they'll make a inside draw, it sucks, but numbers favour you long term. Take their money. If you don't then the other good player at the table will, and you'll have to go up against him short stacked at the end. As it's towards the end, the blinds start to bite, and the hand requirements fall rapidly. Head ups, on the SB I'll call with J7, with 10 people at the table, I'd fold.

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