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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

georgej was online at 11.30pm yesterday but no reply to my PM. I'm going to start a new thread in his name but if no reply by tonight suggest we will need a sub or forfeit his points (suspect will be other no shows anyway). :ok
There ARE Subs available mate, these are listed in my posts on TEAM thread. POPE is ready and willing to play, so I suggest you contact him :ok
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

Shit just played a 5 seater on Crazy Poker' date=' hadn't a bloody clue what was going on:rollin , couldn't see how much people were raising and it was a turbo:loon, was blinded out before i knew where I was, need a LOT of practice on this site before Tues!!!!![/quote'] I found it really difficult to work out the chip counts too on my first few times on Dream, then someone pointed out that if you hover your mouse over the chips in front of each player it will tell you the amount. What a revelation :loon - I'd been trying to count how many chips in the piles! :lol However, I do find I tend to follow the betting from the chat box. Hope this helps anyway Dan Dan.
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Taking this very seriously team. I had never played an STT before so been getting practice in. Bubbled 4 times on 10 player tables. Hmmm. Better try the 5 players ones. Played 2 last night and WON both. $14 up. Might have found my niche here! :dude

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Yippppeeeee Georgej has made contact, and is available :nana think thats us sorted for week 1 :cow LET THE GAMES BEGIN.:ok We didn't have any other probs did we folks :unsure, apart from DAC and the mysterious limping julie.:rollin

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

I found it really difficult to work out the chip counts too on my first few times on Dream, then someone pointed out that if you hover your mouse over the chips in front of each player it will tell you the amount. What a revelation :loon - I'd been trying to count how many chips in the piles! :lol However, I do find I tend to follow the betting from the chat box. Hope this helps anyway Dan Dan.
That's great, I'll try that. Finding it a wee bit easier to follow now that I've found out I can move the chat bar from the side where it was to the bottom:clap
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Sorry for the delayed response people - was in Aberdeen for my neice's christening. When i came back on Sunday night, only checked one of my threads (no replies :() and the pm popup didn't pop. Will try to get a result by way of compensation. Good luck to all Tartanites playing tonight. :ok

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

Sorry for the delayed response people - was in Aberdeen for my neice's christening. When i came back on Sunday night, only checked one of my threads (no replies :() and the pm popup didn't pop. Will try to get a result by way of compensation. Good luck to all Tartanites playing tonight. :ok
You didn't get drunk and go throwing stones at The Quiet Man's windows did you?:unsure
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard well lads the time is here to show the celtic pride. i want you all to put on you kilts (if u dont have one borrow a skirt of your missus) strip off your pants and kick some ass.any ladies on our team i am sorry for the male orintaited post:unsure.as a famous person once said " dont let them win ". good luck one and all.ill be watching.

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