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Team Tartan Messageboard


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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

That's my friend, Irishman. And the answer to your question is yes - if you fight for me, you get to kill the English (William Wallace)
Misquote, I'm pretty sure that was Mel Gibson
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Hey, just wondering bout the tables:unsure As i have never set one up before (created one yesterday) how does it work. When do we reg to sit down, does the table start a countdown when the first person sits down. do we start manually at 9. No doubt, these have been answered elsewhere but if someone could shed some light on the matter b great.:hope

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

Hey, just wondering bout the tables:unsure As i have never set one up before (created one yesterday) how does it work. When do we reg to sit down, does the table start a countdown when the first person sits down. do we start manually at 9. No doubt, these have been answered elsewhere but if someone could shed some light on the matter b great.:hope
The following is a post from Chelskired on Team Poker thread page 12: Here we go then People, this should get the insults flying faster than they have been already :lol


To explain, this will be the first Games layout and "First named" will be tasked with setting the table up. Table 1 eltrev(Sub-DAN DAN) + Morlspin + Valiant23 + GotaFancy + penelopeys Table 2 lemonjon + Dannycash + pocketlady + gazza + 6ooner Table 3 bigmal76 +masterplan + Kevsul + moface + ^newbie^ Table 4 laidbackbloke + rosco + EnT2002 + pistonbroke + gazabroad Table 5 jolly67 + slick mick + Blade + Hodgey + uglycow Table 6 georgej + TaxMonkey + Jaded + ubermonkey + daftpegasus Table 7 Rednutt + Blades'r'going'up + Big Andy + Paulross + spurman Table 8 DAC + Elmcroft + jeffster + teaulc + the rivers not my friend Table 9 runadrum + BDaveG + slapdash + chelskired + Heniek31 Table 10 AvonGirl + Lombardo + pokerose + kevshat + milou Details of how to set up Tables are detailed above in this thread BUT! PLEASE DO NOT sit at the Table until 9pm on Tuesday or the table will START!!!! All Table Organisers If your Table is not full by 9:05 pm you MUST go to "MANAGE MY TABLES" and start it manually, any no-shows are NOT to be waited for!! (However, if a Table member does contact you in advance saying they will be late, they will be allowed to register early AT YOUR DISCRETION!! (any problems contact me) and may join later. BE WARNED: If anyone does this and does not turn up(Sits out whole game) their points will be Nul and Void. Please play this in the spirit Punters Lounge members are renound for :clap Remember to PM/E-mail the Table name and Password to your fellow Players! All Captains There a few Subs about, DAN DAN, Lillelars are 2, if you need them. Any problems please contact me. If anyone knows of someone who may want to be on the Subs list please let me know. Finally, Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and patience and the kind comments above. I hope all have a great time and may the best Team win :ok (Which I am sure TEAM L/S will :tongue2 ) C.R. (Happy to now get Drunk) __________________ The reason you lost the hand was NOT bad luck, It was due to Statistical Probability and you got it Wrong, GET OVER IT!

Last edited by chelskired : Yesterday at 01:19. Hope that helps lemonjon :ok
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Not sure Lemonjon, I'm used to setting them up with a fixed start time and almost immediate start. Hopefully GaF or Chelski can advise. Lads 'n Lassies, I am now without an internet connection outwith office hours for the next 6 days or so. I need a stand-in captain for the next week to deal with any urgent issues and to be a point of contact for all other team members. Will someone not stand with me and repel the pretenders to the throne that is rightfully ours. To rally your fellow warriors and defend your position, striking out when your enemy shows you his weakness. To motivate, to lift, to listen, to bemoan and demean, to ridicule others, to laugh and occassionally to cry (usually with laughter at team pink/north etc). For they may try to steal your blinds, but they'll never take....our stacks. This is an equal opportunities position with no perks and benefits. Please apply within this thread.:ok

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard ok, cheers, i think i understand it, we all sit at 9 or so, the table will only start when all five sit down, if we dont have 5 by 9.05 we manually start.:nana If this is wrong please tell me.:wall On the note of team Capt for week 1, i donne think we need one, any probs post them here, then the remaining team members can see who can deal with it better and more efficent. :ok Many hands make light work, :cow

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

On the note of team Capt for week 1, i donne think we need one, any probs post them here, then the remaining team members can see who can deal with it better and more efficent. :ok Many hands make light work, :cow
Great idea lemonjon, see we are working so well as a team already.:clap
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Eltrev - I know I re-raised you with an A4 os last night on the final table but that was the 4th consecutive time you tried pinching my blinds :@ , just wanted to see if you were being naughty. Well played.

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Sorry DAC, the one time I wasn't stealing you decided that enough was enough and TBH I would have done the same in your position. I don't mind someone occassionally stealing my blinds wrt position and stacks, but when someone does it continually I usually end up re-raising as well and always seem to get dumped out by a premium hand. I certainly like to defend my blinds whenever I can in these situations. Note to self, no more stealing DAC's blinds, he will re-raise me. :ok I certainly hope any other teams reading this will now realise that there's no point in attempting to steal your blinds mate. :tongue2

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Well, I must say, looking at your "Flag".....Its more like "Team Joseph and his not so amazing dreamcoat of many clashing colours" ! Who the feck designed it, Jac Arama, he who dresses in the dark ? Sunglasses anyone ? :rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

I certainly hope any other teams reading this will now realise that there's no point in attempting to steal your blinds mate.
Indeed....People should know that if you come after TEAM TARTAN blinds then you'd better have the goods as we are coming straight back over the top of you. :rollin maybe.
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

Right... I've missed something here and there seems to be a bit of sassenach bashing possible which I'm up for... so whats the Hampden?:tongue2 :lol :lol :lol
Read any of the links about Team Poker, still time to be put forward as a SUB, that's what I am. Tues Evening on Prima sites.
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard Shit just played a 5 seater on Crazy Poker, hadn't a bloody clue what was going on:rollin , couldn't see how much people were raising and it was a turbo:loon, was blinded out before i knew where I was, need a LOT of practice on this site before Tues!!!!!

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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

right team table is PLtab3_mal.will pm the details to the rest of the rabble and mr bubbles so keep your eye out for it:ok
Can someone please PM me the details of this table so that I can let Kevsul's sub MattD know please. Thank you!
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard

Should we starting putting georgej pics on milk cartons and offer a reward:ok georgej Where r u:unsure
george was on PL tonight but didn't post anywhere ! have sent him a PM - do we give him until noon tomorrow and then try find a substitute ? daftpegasus volunteered to set up table 6 on the main thread but i've sent him a PM saying I'll do it if he wants me to. thoughts re george anyone ?
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Re: Team Tartan Messageboard georgej was online at 11.30pm yesterday but no reply to my PM. I'm going to start a new thread in his name but if no reply by tonight suggest we will need a sub or forfeit his points (suspect will be other no shows anyway). Daft will set up the table tonight (looks as if prima won't let me cos already done table 9). :ok

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