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Team Pink's messageboard


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Re: Team Pink's messageboard So far it seems that everybody can play tuesday :clap :clap :clap ...and remember.... it is a bit different game from what you might normally play... I found it very different from what I am used to... Shorthanded, your cards are better here...!!! Blinds are harsh too... geeeeettt iiiinnnn ... play your cards before it is too late... Bluff...and be fearless ;) I mean... do we want to win or do we want to come 2nd???? :loon In my opinion we are playing for 1st... or nothing... get in people :clap :clap Good luck my PINK HEROES :nana :ok :nana :ok :nana :ok :nana XX PENE

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Re: Team Pink's messageboard Okay...I haven't heard from everybody... BUT... I wrote that you should shout if you COULDN'T play... Therefore I assume that we are all ready for tonight... :nana :nana Uglycow can't make it... :cry :cry Therefore I have engaged our newest member, a fellow Dane Viggosen... :welcome as a sub... WIN!!! GL all of you tonight... :hope :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap XXX Pene

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Re: Team Pink's messageboard Another 2nd here cap'n :( Should have been 1st. Turning point came when I had a big chip lead against Tax Monkey heads up. He moves all in, I call with K Q. He turns over 9 3o The flop reveals a 9 and a 3. :( Levelled the chips out and my cards just dried up. Will do better next week.:hope

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Re: Team Pink's messageboard

Another 2nd here cap'n :( Should have been 1st. Turning point came when I had a big chip lead against Tax Monkey heads up. He moves all in, I call with K Q. He turns over 9 3o The flop reveals a 9 and a 3. :( Levelled the chips out and my cards just dried up. Will do better next week.:hope
But they were soooooooted.:lol Actually I was so far behind at that point I'd pretty much given up. To be fair to Milou that was only one of two or three bad beats she got during the HU.
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Re: Team Pink's messageboard Guys and Girl :) We have lost a player... Newbie... he is busy with exams and will not be able to play anymore team games... ... Don't know what's most important... Poker or an education??? He obviously got it ALL wrong :lol :lol GL Newbie ;) Anyway... Your beloved Captain found a new regular... Our sub from last week... :welcome Viggosen to Team Pink :clap :clap :clap

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