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favourite hole cards?


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was just having a wee wonder what everyones favourite/least favourite starting hands were? ie my favourite pocket cards are ace king and i always play them no matter what, but i hate to get pocket aces as i always seem to lose with them including three times in one day:@:@ and i certainly will not try to slow play them as i usually fall into an even bigger trap.so i was just wondering what other starting cards ppl liked/disliked? is there certain pocket cards that seem to bring you good or bad luck?

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Re: favourite hole cards? For some bizarre reason I like Q 10 suited, but only in spades. Probably harks back to my only Royal being picked up with this hand, but always seems to do me nicely. Other than that I like Pocket 9s Least Favourite?. Pocket 4s!!!!!!!! (Which I think is Uber's fave, number of times he KO'd me in MKOP with it :@ :@ :@ ) I hate that hand with a vehermence that borders on the irrational!. Always seems to make me go on tilt even when I throw them!!

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Re: favourite hole cards? he he nice to see spurs weakness, next time im playing him with a 4 on a flop, im all in:lol i like 8 10 spades. not sure why but i always seem to win with it. my least favorite is 7s lost in last years maxim final to go ot 9th ,one off the final table .

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Re: favourite hole cards? I like KQsuited, and 94 off. Pocket 6's are particularly nice to me too. :ok I hate with a vengeance pocket 7's. In the Canbet guaranteed I lost 90% of my stack to pocket 7's when I had 88. Soon after exactly the same thing happened vs Big Andy in a PL game, and last Friday playing live I went out holding 77 to the callers 88.:puke

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Re: favourite hole cards? I've got 2 hands which I always like to get dealt. Pocket 9's always do well, but my favourite has to be AQ suited. Least favourite is either J's or 2's, can't seem to ever win any hand with them. J's are so hard to put down, but I always get beat by a bigger pair. I always lose chips with 2's chasing trips, but again never get lucky, it is a no brain fold for them these days.:( Steve.

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Re: favourite hole cards?

he he nice to see spurs weakness, next time im playing him with a 4 on a flop, im all in:lol i like 8 10 spades. not sure why but i always seem to win with it. my least favorite is 7s lost in last years maxim final to go ot 9th ,one off the final table .
Ah, but now I know what to do with a 7 on the board!!!. Wonder what would happen if a 7 and a 4 hit the flop?:lol:lol
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Guest gazza271

Re: favourite hole cards? Always play Q 10, Dont know why but also seem to do well with it. Hate JJ amd QQ, So hard to put down once the Q K or A hits the board:\

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Re: favourite hole cards? hate KQo, lost with it a few times, unless playing heads up or the blinds are starting to bite, I lay it down. Inetresting comments about the aces, they are a great hand, but I always try and use them to raise hard and kill people off pre flop. I hate being called and watching someone with trash draw at my pocket aces.

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Re: favourite hole cards?

Pocket 6's are particularly nice to me too
Thats my signature hand Valiant and I have a patent on it. Any winnings derives from it, im entitled 50% sorry ladies and gents its just the way it is. So yeah 66 (suits diamond and club are the best) and I also find J10clubs and 76spades rather sexxxuuaaal Just in general though any medium/small pocket pairs are my hands of choice.
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Re: favourite hole cards? Not enough votes for the obvious AA. The fact that is makes you straighten up in your chair and tightens the stomach if it is at a crucial stage of the tournament. I can fold any other hand post-flop but AA is do or die because it is very difficult to fold even to an all-in after the flop. I'm also quite partial to suited picture cards but they can be mucked with ease to any major raises pre-flop. AA is my hero. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: favourite hole cards? JJ, AJo, KQo ... so damn hard to lay down ... but still a bitch to win with!! JT seems t do me good ... even if I shouldn't play them ... But hey .... I like all cards that will give me the pot ... I'm no person to judge any suit or rank above another ... as long as those ¤#""#¤!#%!"#! cards give me the pot ...

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Re: favourite hole cards? hmmm... just had a look at my statistics and they paint a completely different picture: My overall best winning hands in terms of profit seems to be JJ, K9 and AJ .. those devious bastards!! How ever ... a hand that I have won 54 times ... and NEVER lost ... is 76s *sick* So obviously my perception of the game and reality have nothing in common ... What did you say this game was called ?? p-ooo-k-aaa-h ???

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Re: favourite hole cards?

Thats my signature hand Valiant and I have a patent on it. Any winnings derives from it, im entitled 50% sorry ladies and gents its just the way it is.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery Mrm ;) Just to add I also feel more comfortable when I'm holding black pocket pairs as opposed to red ones - just a Vale/Stoke thing tbh, but still.:D
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Re: favourite hole cards?

hmmm... just had a look at my statistics and they paint a completely different picture: My overall best winning hands in terms of profit seems to be JJ, K9 and AJ .. those devious bastards!! How ever ... a hand that I have won 54 times ... and NEVER lost ... is 76s *sick* So obviously my perception of the game and reality have nothing in common ... What did you say this game was called ?? p-ooo-k-aaa-h ???
Tsk Tsk... those Scandinavian MUPPETTTTTS..... Who lets them inhere????? :loon
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Re: favourite hole cards?

10 10 most fav' date=' AK, AA and black suited connectors good too, don't mind any pairs cept 2 2. J J likes me but I don't like them.[/quote'] Or i might just be bluffing, no use giving you lot an insight into my mindset :rollin
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