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just played a $30 mtt on poker.co.uk people were going all in everywhere with j2, j7, k4 etc unbelievable i got so hacked off i called one with a10 he shows j7 knew he had feck all hits a... 7 i cant believe how some people throw there money away!!!!!! i know i shouldv waited for a better hand but what a shit game, only reason i played it was to try and play with some better players to see how i get on fffs, very pissed off:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Re: retards Mo i know it gets frustrating at times,we all feel your pain :sad Unfortunately these so called players pop up quite often,but don't knock them because generally they top up the prize fund for the better players to cream off ;)

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Re: retards

just played a $30 mtt on poker.co.uk people were going all in everywhere with j2, j7, k4 etc unbelievable i got so hacked off i called one with a10 he shows j7 knew he had feck all hits a... 7 i cant believe how some people throw there money away!!!!!! i know i shouldv waited for a better hand but what a shit game, only reason i played it was to try and play with some better players to see how i get on fffs, very pissed off:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
Mo, I really should be giving you the 'don't knock it' line myself. After all Jomell is right when he says we want bad players like this in the game. But, I feel your pain completely. $30 is a lot of money. You'll get it back.
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