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My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ?


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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ? Jaded, Email or PM me please - only got SO poker running at present, as I am currently on dial up - My broadband provider, Madasafish, emailed me earlier this week, asking if I wanted to upgrade my speed from 2 meg to 8 meg...I said "Yes", not realising that the "10 day stabilisation period" for the line to be tested and speed upgraded actually means no broadband service at all ! TIA Jeff

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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ? Thanks for getting involved in this Joe and for "fighting our corner". Jeffster is not the only one, and Joe has been in dialogue with Boss on behalf of others. The ban is solely the decision of Boss and Sporting Odds have not been involved in it at all (indeed they have been strongly supporting our case). As Joe mentioned - it seems Boss have "gone to war" recently and are issuing a lot of Chat Bans. In general terms I would support this and it is the right thing to do. However, there are many and frequent breaches of chat that are far more serious than what PL members appear to have been banned for - and Boss should be dealing with these cases (which we have been bringing to their attention for MONTHS, but with little action). "Advertising" PuntersLounge in a Boss chat box is now considered unacceptable by them. So I would urge all PL'rs to refrain from doing this. If you wish to refer to PuntersLounge, then I suggest you use the initials "PL" instead. Hopefully we can come to some kind of understanding with Boss and they can reintroduce chat privaledges of PL'rs who have committed pretty minor transgressions of their chat policy, but see them get tough on the real abusers of their chat who are so undermining the integrity of their games.

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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ? I dont understand Boss' policy at all....:unsure My ban must be because I mentioned PL to a London based player in my Scottish Daily on 5th April...I think the guys ID was "IN2CEPT", he seemed a pretty good player and a good laugh as well , qualified through the daily with me, so I mentioned PL to him... Surely, Boss should be able to see that the more PLers there are, the more players will be entering their tourneys = more cash for Boss and their affilliated Poker Rooms :unsure

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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ?

Well' date=' if you WILL keep talking in English instead of Hungarian...[/quote'] Maybe you have something there, Jaded.... Perhaps we need to get Morlspin to translate "Punters Lounge" into Hungarian for us ??? :tongue2
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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ?

Maybe you have something there, Jaded.... Perhaps we need to get Morlspin to translate "Punters Lounge" into Hungarian for us ??? :tongue2
Best not, we have enough trouble with 'em at SO, without them invading here as well!!!:eek :eek Though at least GaF and the others Mods could ban em, which Boss seem unable or unwilling to do.:@ :@
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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ?

For obvious reasons I can't show you the emails but Boss are extremely arrogant' date=' they might as well say "Fcuk you, we don't care!" :\[/quote'] Have to agree with that - their attitude and tone is just unbelievable. That is Boss Media to Sporting Odds!!!! Important to make the distinction I feel - Sporting Odds are being great on this - the whole problem is coming down from Boss Media. No doubt the same problems will be happening on Virgin, poker.co.uk, Mermaid etc......
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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ? Have had an email from Joe Legge (Cheers mate !) :clap:clap I have had to email Malcolm Campball at Boss, promising to be a good boy in future, to get my chat priviledges restored.... Must say, having looked at the mail which Malcolm sent Joe, I concur that Boss do indeed seem like a bunch of arrogant up themselves twats ! :@

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Re: My Sporting Odds Chat ban....WTF ?

Have had an email from Joe Legge (Cheers mate !) :clap:clap I have had to email Malcolm Campball at Boss, promising to be a good boy in future, to get my chat priviledges restored.... Must say, having looked at the mail which Malcolm sent Joe, I concur that Boss do indeed seem like a bunch of arrogant up themselves twats ! :@
Did you include that in your email?:loon :loon :loon
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