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Super Sunday


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Right Jaded where are you?? Last 13 of this tonight, J and myself are hanging on in there when I get dealt TT. Jaded is first to act and, to my horror, goes all-in. I feel obliged to call and so does one other. Can't remember the cards from there but J and the other guy hit K's (I think) beating me. Worse still, I bubble and Jaded goes out in 10th place!! :wall :wall :wall :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Got to laugh... crossed my mind to fold but didn't so c'est la vie! I'll get you back jaded!!

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Re: Super Sunday As someone who's inflicted their fair share of bad beats in the past, that's the worst I've ever felt winning a prize in a tourney!! I had K4, he had AK, you had TT - we both got kings, he took it with the kicker, and me and you both went out on the same hand - but I had more chips than you at the start so got 10th. Hugely sorry, just went for it because I was 11th of 13 when I'd just checked and GaF's thing on 'M' kept running through my mind (in other words, blame him!!)

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Re: Super Sunday

but I had more chips than you at the start so got 10th.
I was gutted when I thought the 2 of us were going to miss out. More so because I'd made my mind up just to play tight and hopefully scrape through. I hesitated calling but thought it was the best opportunity to make the final table. All I can re-call from watching the chips float to our opponent was the sign appearing saying I had finished 11th then Jaded in the chat box saying 'I made it!'. It was at that point I put my head in my hands and fell to all fours in fits of laughter! Oh how I cursed him...! :lol No hard feelings mate... one helluva story to tell! :ok As for Harrington... I'd curse him too because before reading his books I'd probably have folded TT. Unfortunately, it's one pair he recommends playing more aggressively than usual pre-flop. Still a couple of opportunities to qualify for the final so I may still make it!
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