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london invitational


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i played in the london invitational on sporting odds, where the top 5 get an all expenses weekend trip to london staying in a 5 star hotel, entry into a 5k stt at the sportsman casino and entry in the £100 nl freeze out at the gutshot (what is a freeze out ?). i finished an unlucky 7th but due to unavailibility i was offered the package:nana i have never played live apart from a drink fuelled carry on with mates, so any good advice from my fellow pl's would be grateful. :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme

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Re: london invitational

i played in the london invitational on sporting odds, where the top 5 get an all expenses weekend trip to london staying in a 5 star hotel, entry into a 5k stt at the sportsman casino and entry in the £100 nl freeze out at the gutshot (what is a freeze out ?). i finished an unlucky 7th but due to unavailibility i was offered the package:nana i have never played live apart from a drink fuelled carry on with mates, so any good advice from my fellow pl's would be grateful. :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme :cheers :gimme
Aye aye aye, if yi fell oot a plane you would go up the way :lol . As yi know I can't offer any tips on live play as my only time was the same drink fuelled event you referred to. Anyway pal a big well done and i hope the package is for two :hope Congrats:cheers :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: london invitational Have you ever played live, Mole? If not get to your local casino on the next tourney night - you won't regret it, I promise. I also know that when you take down your first big pot or have your first monster hand you'll be shaking like a leaf.:lol After that, mate, just play the game that got you there.:ok And congratulations btw. :D

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Re: london invitational Well done Moley. :clap Played at the Gutshot a couple of times, nice place but boy was it hot and sweaty when I went last year. And a £5k STT, I'd hate to bubble in that one ........ although I probably still would. :tongue2 Gave some hints on the thread above so all I will say here is Good Luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: london invitational Well the Mole and his trusty side kick -ed- are at the Radison Mayfair as we speak, Mole about to sit down to his tourney. They've had the champagne reception and met Joe and Ben from SO, says they are brand new:notworthy Tikay was there too.:dude Getting updates from Ed, says it's surreal, was sitting with Ernie at the meal. I've even had a photo sent to my phone of the bathroom in their room cos it's so posh :lol

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Re: london invitational Thanks everyone for the support and advice. got to say playing live was no problem i thouroughly enjoyed it ( i found some cheeky banter is the way to go) was very unlucky not to win, i went all in when heads up with 10 10 umax called me with ace 3 off, ace came on the flop so a bit dissappointed. still 1.5k and a fantastic all expenses weekend for ~ed~ and i so can't really complain. Sporting odds were fantastic and a massive thanks must go to Joe Legge and Ben Walton who were absolutely first class. next stage :operation Moscow:

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Re: london invitational

( i found some cheeky banter is the way to go)
Oh I believe this is a slight understatement Moley :lol . Think I heard that yours was the only voice to be heard in the Gutshot, winding everyone up.:D Thanks for returning my hubby in almost one piece:beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
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Re: london invitational :clap :clap :clap Well done mole. First class weekend, thanks a million for asking me to accompany you at the weekend :ok Super trip that will never be forgotten, far too much booze consumed :cheers . You had most of the players beaten in the 5 man STT before a card was dealt with your "cheeky banter" :lol . I would just like to echo the special mention to Ben and Joe from Sporting Odds who were top notch :notworthy

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