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Thoughts about Multi-Tabling


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Hi everyone... ... up for debate... Is multitabling good or bad for your game??? :unsure I rarely multitable, and if I do I play 2 stt's at the same time, or one tourney table and 1 cashtable... But I get the feeling that a lot of you guys and girls do... 3 or 4 tables at a time :eek Does it mix up the individual games for you?? Can you keep track?? ...or does it prevent you from calling with half decent hands in one game because you're bored... and aren't getting any decent hands to play?? I myself find that I give one game more attention than the other... but still... when multitabling, I won't be calling with stupid hands just to get some action... Was just wondering... Pene :D

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling I was playing 2 cash games, the 50up club and the Sporting Odds Championship game last night, I won $27 bucks on the cash and came 3rd and 7th in the other two so all in all I can say that it's not that bad for my game. BUT...I did make a mistake on the Champs game when on the cash bubble in 7th...but i guess that was my fault for not paying attention....I was short stacked anyway. Multi-playing cash games is the way to go, just playing the one table at a time is tres boring.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling I multitable mostly in freerolls although i have done it on cash games to get the rake faster and also it stops me from playing stupid hands due to boredom. The downside is i find i cant concentrate as much on what is going on at the table therefore my judgement on other players can suffer.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling I can't multi-table to save myself! My brain just gets fried trying to keep up with what's going on so I stick to one table at a time. If tournaments clash then I decide which one I want to play most and stick to it.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling Have played four cash games to get rakes in. I didnt conentrate properly and ended up a little down. Very ralely play one table, havent got the patience. usually play a tourny, then a mixture between stt and and small cash games.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

just read the other posts' date=' if u change the multitabling word to masturbating:unsure then some of the posts making interesting reading.:lol[/quote'] There's not much difference with the hands I've been getting lately:$
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

I multitable mostly in freerolls although i have done it on cash games to get the rake faster and also it stops me from playing stupid hands due to boredom. The downside is i find i cant concentrate as much on what is going on at the table therefore my judgement on other players can suffer.
I'm exactly the same, I play cash games for the rake but fold most of the hands, in freerolls I often register for games starting an hour apart and am still in the first when the second starts. If I reach a final table i will sitout the other game till it is over. I have also found myself going all in by mistake when they switch me over from one game to another, I do not play as well if I have 2 tables open.
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling I am a one table guy I cant possibly see how you read a table and gather info about your opponents when you spend half your time looking at other tables. Bad practice I'm afraid. And I dont masturbate while playing either...but if I ever got a royal flush I may have a quicky shufty :dude

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

I am a one table guy I cant possibly see how you read a table and gather info about your opponents when you spend half your time looking at other tables. Bad practice I'm afraid.
I don't agree. If your playing low-level cash games you don't need to know the strength of your opponents - you just need to know the strength of your cards and work out what the odds are and how much you are prepared to follow the flop, turn, river. Without wanting to sound like a bit of a cock......I'm lucky enough to be able to work out how good my cards are going to be pretty instantly....anyway, it works for me. How much info can you gleen from an online player anyway?
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling Pene, Yeah that works on STT and MTT.....the turnaround of people on cash games is a heck of a lot more. IMHO people play decent hands and hope to hit a flop. Bluffing isn't so much of a factor as in STT and MTT when you do need to be aware.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

Pene, Yeah that works on STT and MTT.....the turnaround of people on cash games is a heck of a lot more. IMHO people play decent hands and hope to hit a flop. Bluffing isn't so much of a factor as in STT and MTT when you do need to be aware.
Oh, someone forgot to tell me about that :unsure I play alot of cash games at Sporting odds, mainly $1/2 blinds... and I bluff alot... and it is very succesfull I might add... but if the majority of people are just waiting for a good flop... then... there's the reason for my succes!!
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling Do I detect a shade of sarcasm? Thats fair enough Pene and the best of luck, I play lots of low level no limit and my strategy works well enough for me. Whilst my profit of around $60.00 on 569 raked hands this month may not appeal to everyone it does me just fine. All I said is that you don't have to be that aware of whats going on on low level cash games hence you can multitable quite successfully if you do the maths correctly. STT/MTT are a different kettle of fish. Obviously.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Thoughts about Multitabling If I'm playing cash games I tend to play 3 or 4 games at once, Finds it stops the boredom setting in and waiting for premium hands is much easier. In MTT's tend to normally only play a maximum of 2 at once, One on the desktop and one on the laptop, that way i can keep an eye on other players and their games without having to keep switching between screens. Seem to remember one crazy night in December I think when a whole bunch of us played about 6 or 7 decent tournys all at the same time or within an hour or so............ We all agreed afterwards never again !! :\ :\ :\

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

Do I detect a shade of sarcasm? Thats fair enough Pene and the best of luck, I play lots of low level no limit and my strategy works well enough for me. Whilst my profit of around $60.00 on 569 raked hands this month may not appeal to everyone it does me just fine. All I said is that you don't have to be that aware of whats going on on low level cash games hence you can multitable quite successfully if you do the maths correctly. STT/MTT are a different kettle of fish. Obviously.
No, no sarcasm... that has such a negative ring to it :D Was trying to be funny, no offense meant... But I really do think that bluffing on cashtables too will make your profits even greater. GL :)
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling Oh I do bluff occasionally when it's obvious a player is weak but as I'm specifcally going for lots of raked hands i find it profitable just to play by the numbers. I know you know that play is a lot looser on the low level tables and bluffing isn't always the best option as some fool Hungarian will call you whilst hoping to hit one of his only two outs on the river and some people just won't throw away cards no matter whats on the board. No offense taken, Pene! :) I'm just talking about Multi-tabling not general poker strategy.

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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling I multi table alot - It stops me from getting frustrated when the good hands dry up, but if I am doing really well on one table i will sitout the others to concebtrate.

I wouldn't worry about it. As far as I know women don't do it. Do they?:unsure
I wouldn't know what you are talking about Paul.:$ but I do fold my hand after seeing a bad flop.:tongue2
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

Oh I do bluff occasionally when it's obvious a player is weak but as I'm specifcally going for lots of raked hands i find it profitable just to play by the numbers. I know you know that play is a lot looser on the low level tables and bluffing isn't always the best option as some fool Hungarian will call you whilst hoping to hit one of his only two outs on the river and some people just won't throw away cards no matter whats on the board. No offense taken, Pene! :) I'm just talking about Multi-tabling not general poker strategy.
You're absolutely right, it depends on the stakes, which is why I choose the higher stakes. Not many crapcallers :)
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Re: Thoughts about Multitabling

I bet she is so excited she doesn't need to.... er....... 'multi-table' any more.;)
Are we Officialy adopting "Multi-able/Multi-Tabling" as Slang for.....you know..........those words, then Mr. V??:lol Just wondered, cos i cant wait to get on SO tonight and start calling Hungarians "You bunch of Multi-Tablers" :rollin .........which of course is exactly what they will be :( ....cos its an MTT............:eyes Note to self: May need to rethink this :wall
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