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Womens Tourneys


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Re: Womens Tourneys i agree. i don't enter women's only events because i disagree with them in principle. and what would we say if there were men only tournaments? We'd be annoyed. We'd kick up a bit of a fuss! I actually think its a bit patronising that men think its ok for us to have them. But there we go. Kust one opinion. Rant over.

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Re: Womens Tourneys Having learnt to play on the web, I think I have fallen into the habit of seeing everyone as a player, rather than seeing a girl or a guy playing. I think this is a big advantage, not trying to impress a girl at the table. Nearly always stack diminishing that. My mindset is I don't care who they are, I still want to beat them!. One thing to be said for women only tourneys is that I think it gives us guys a bit more insight into how women play the game, which is useful to us blokes when it comes to live games.

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Re: Womens Tourneys

Having learnt to play on the web, I think I have fallen into the habit of seeing everyone as a player, rather than seeing a girl or a guy playing. I think this is a big advantage, not trying to impress a girl at the table. Nearly always stack diminishing that. My mindset is I don't care who they are, I still want to beat them!. One thing to be said for women only tourneys is that I think it gives us guys a bit more insight into how women play the game, which is useful to us blokes when it comes to live games.
Im not sure about this part spur I for one think i probably play differently on line than i do play live,but one thing i have noticed whether playing live or on line i have found that with some blokes (not all) tend to bully a female player untill they get to know them.I dont think women get the same respect allways untill they have proved themselves. I have experienced this a few times. I dont have a problem with women only.men only or mixed tourneys,its nice to have the choice,would men like the choice of men only tourneys.? Isnt variety the spice of life?
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Re: Womens Tourneys I started playing poker just before P-Lady, but it was the enjoyment I was getting that got her interested, but even then she was really reluctant to take the plunge - why, I don't know. But if the WSOP hold women's tournies then why not play them? Does winning the WSOP womens title make you any less of a player? If anything it will surely elevate more women into 'the mainstream' and women can also play in any of the other events, unlike other 'sports', such as golf, darts, football or even table tennis. I think that rather than being ostracised for being patronising, poker should be congratulated for doing more than most to redress the imbalance in this male-dominated professional 'sport'.

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Re: Womens Tourneys I guess you just have to look at tourney results for the reason why. and before you all go off on one, I am aware of the %tage of men to women players, is much greater therefore statisically men are more likely to win etc. But I would say with 99.9% certainty that the %tage of tourney wins by men versus women would be way higher that the %tage of men players over women players. Now the reason why IS interesting, is it than men are more aggressive? is it an inbuilt gene? or is it because we are more competeitive from an early age? are men prepared to take more risks? ? (maybe because men were hunters instead of gatherers perhaps?) I would also be 99.9% certain that since the poker internet boom post Moneymaker that the %tage of women winners has climbed dramatically compared to the previous 20 years. I still think that women only tourney's are a good idea, because of the empowering factor (and positive marketing potential), it shows women can 'compete' (bad choice of word, not sure what the correct word is) in a men only environment and that as a women you can play this male dominated game. It can only encourage more women to become poker players, which is great for the game. Just my four penneth Damo (back off to the kitchen to finish cooking and washing up whilst the missus has a girlie bath with lush products and candles etc etc etc :ok )

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Re: Womens Tourneys All of this is true. And I fully understand why a woman would be enter one of these tournaments. its just personal choice. Is women the wsop ladies event less of a big deal than winning the wsop main event? I know which bracelet I'd prefer. Do I think women's events encourage women in to the game? To a certain extent I do. I'm all for that. Would I be cutting off my nose to spite my face by not entering? almost certainly. But in my humble opinion, women are still marginalised and patronised within this sport; things have been said to me and other female players I know at the table that would never be said to a male player and a fair bit of site promotion, directed at the male player, I have found distateful at best (which makes me wonder how much women poker players are really wanted on some sites). I truly do not believe that a site would hold a "men only tourney", although I recognise that some of the marketing for certain tournaments is aimed squarely at men. And fair enough, I never wanted a signed ball anyway. As for ladies only events proving women can compete in this man's world, I am curious how that can be the case. As women are only competing against eachother in these events how can they prove they would have beaten a man in the same tournament? (unless I have misunderstood your point). Furthermore, significantly less coverage is given to ladies only events in big tournaments. Essentially my problem is this. When we sit down to play poker, I feel that in some cases, (and this is nothing I have experienced within this forum), that occasionally women are considered as "lesser" poker players. Some men feel that women have no business playing poker at all. While happy occasionally to use this situation to my advantage, I still think that in the spirit of equality, this is wrong. Since I believe that ladies only tournaments would not redress or improve this for the reasons above, I would be a hypocrite to enter them. Now, I have some ironing to do...

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Re: Womens Tourneys first point - this I agree with, senior management in our house shares their account with us workers on poker.co.uk, and I do tend to get called nasty things when I beat/outdraw the fella's - which is really funny as I just go into 'dumb girlie mode' and ask them how I should play? :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 re 2nd point - yes, prolly u r not understanding me - I see the women only game as a way of getting women to play in a generally perceived male only environment and something that 'ladies' shouldn't be doing (a bit like farting or being a plumber or car mechanic etc) - so by showing that women can play (GASP!:loon ) it hopefully translates to more female players competing against their betters, er the fellas..... ;) ;) ;) Cheers Damo

But in my humble opinion, women are still marginalised and patronised within this sport; things have been said to me and other female players I know at the table that would never be said to a male player and a fair bit of site promotion, directed at the male player, I As for ladies only events proving women can compete in this man's world, I am curious how that can be the case. As women are only competing against eachother in these events how can they prove they would have beaten a man in the same tournament? (unless I have misunderstood your point). Furthermore, significantly less coverage is given to ladies only events in big tournaments.
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Re: Womens Tourneys I think women only tourneys are cop out by the poker sites/competion organisers. They basically want to appear to be encouraging women into the game because half their potential clients are women. So what is it that puts women off poker? Is it the game itself? Well if it was would "women only" poker change the basic nature of the game? Answer: No. The thing thats put women off poker is a minority of the men that play (and control) the game and their attitude towards them. Now the poker companies could easily invest in the staff/technology to deal with this minority but that would cost money. So instead they came up with the idea of women only tourneys which is the poker version of shut 'em in a back room where they can't bother the real poker players. The only true way to encourage women is to deal with those men who seem to be incapable of behaving in an acceptable manner. Well thats my view (for what it's worth lol). Oh and sod the ironing I'm having a :beer

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Re: Womens Tourneys I think you are missing the point we are talking about online satillite tounrys to win a seat at the WSOP ladies only game - not specifically women only games on online poker sites (I am not aware of any 'normal' women only games?) Hope that clears things up ;) Damo

I think women only tourneys are cop out by the poker sites/competion organisers. They basically want to appear to be encouraging women into the game because half their potential clients are women. So what is it that puts women off poker? Is it the game itself? Well if it was would "women only" poker change the basic nature of the game? Answer: No. The thing thats put women off poker is a minority of the men that play (and control) the game and their attitude towards them. Now the poker companies could easily invest in the staff/technology to deal with this minority but that would cost money. So instead they came up with the idea of women only tourneys which is the poker version of shut 'em in a back room where they can't bother the real poker players. The only true way to encourage women is to deal with those men who seem to be incapable of behaving in an acceptable manner. Well thats my view (for what it's worth lol). Oh and sod the ironing I'm having a :beer
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Re: Womens Tourneys In a casino, sure I can get it. It can be an intimidating environment, very male dominated, and off putting. They can get office groups or whatever going for fun and to try it out. Mostly likely fill a quiet night for them as well. But on the internet ?????????????

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Re: Womens Tourneys

I think you are missing the point we are talking about online satillite tounrys to win a seat at the WSOP ladies only game - not specifically women only games on online poker sites (I am not aware of any 'normal' women only games?) Hope that clears things up ;) Damo
Well, interesting you should say that. I've seen a couple of ladies only tourneys lately. In the laddies one, I think some of the prizes were spa weekends..(although I'm sure there must have been cash prizes, and to be fair to laddies, prolly good cash prizes) and the other one was featured pretty heavily on here. I can't find the thread and I didn't take much notice but I'm sure there was mention of "Attractive male croupier" for Poker night in. I'm not saying I think this is good or bad, its just what I noticed.
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Re: Womens Tourneys Just goes to show really the way that patronising attitudes can be seen as good intentions, and vice versa really. I'm sure that the recent jesting(?) in one of the stickies to some members and observers may be considered distasteful, but I'd hope any sexist comments I make are with tongue firmly planted in cheek, and the same goes for us all. I'd like to think that regardless of the motive behind these tournaments, if it gets more ladies playing then thats all that matters. Tax - Prima seem to have excellent table monitoring - Big Andy made a jokey 'Poker Manager' call during a recent private MTT, and just after the hand had finished they appeared and asked what the problem was. Robilar - "Womens tourneys" ;) - The first ones I saw were on Poker.com and I must admit thought they were a good idea. Another point - If these womens tournies were giving out prizes that included; A date with Brad Pitt A day at a local beauty salon etc., then I would think that tourney is patronising, but to play in the WSOP - heck - I'd be tempted to get P-Lady's bolt cutters. I know the womens WSOP isn't exactly as high profile as the Texas Hold 'Em, but neither are the limit, omaha, H.O.R.S.E. tournies etc. I am finding these ironing references amusing though, as it was my 'punishment' when I went out of the BetFred Telegraph FF qualifiers before the wife.:lol

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Re: Womens Tourneys

I think you are missing the point we are talking about online satillite tounrys to win a seat at the WSOP ladies only game - not specifically women only games on online poker sites (I am not aware of any 'normal' women only games?) Hope that clears things up ;) Damo
Got to disagree Damo the original post asks: "Womens Tourneys What are your thoughts on these? Women are just as good as men so why have them? Is there a reason why poker rooms host women only tournaments?" Maybe all you were talking about was the WSOP qualifiers but the original post (and mine) was much less specific. Plus I wasn't just talking about online, whats applicable to the online environment goes as much to live tournaments as well.
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Re: Womens Tourneys

I started playing poker just before P-Lady, but it was the enjoyment I was getting that got her interested, but even then she was really reluctant to take the plunge - why, I don't know. But if the WSOP hold women's tournies then why not play them? Does winning the WSOP womens title make you any less of a player? If anything it will surely elevate more women into 'the mainstream' and women can also play in any of the other events, unlike other 'sports', such as golf, darts, football or even table tennis. I think that rather than being ostracised for being patronising, poker should be congratulated for doing more than most to redress the imbalance in this male-dominated professional 'sport'.
..............He says with Mrs V standing behind him with a rolling pin :D :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Womens Tourneys I don't see any harm in Women only tournaments - though if they proliferated and came to represent a consistent source of value games that I couldn't access via legitimate routes then I suspect I'd be tempted to get myself a female id and subvert the system (I have anarchist tendencies :loon ). I'm sure my sister would happily launder any winnings on my behalf and it might be fun trying to bluff my way through a live tournement in drag :rollin . Could just imagine a scene at the tables like that one in one of the crocodile dundee movies...... IMHO women are as good as men at poker and I suspect that the apparent number of female players is greater than you think - theres a fair few woman who share their hubbies/boyfiends id and theres others who masquerade as men to avoid the letchers and pervs that frequent some tables (never mind the blokes who masquerade as women cos they know some blokes will underestimate a woman). The poker sites need to do more to control those players who use verbal abuse (of anyone) as part of their game. If anything, women have an advantage in live games as they've (as a gender) successfully been manipulating blokes for hundreds of years - a bit of cleavage and flirting definitely makes blokes less adverse to losing money :lol (theres major service industries based on exactly this observation!). IMHO - most muppets are men - probably in the 17-23 age-range when they have more machismo than brains :D (oh to be at that stage of life once again).

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Re: Womens Tourneys

IMHO - most muppets are men - probably in the 17-23 age-range when they have more machismo than brains :D (oh to be at that stage of life once again).
I'm there ....... apart from the age ..... and not much machismo:loon
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Re: Womens Tourneys My own opinion is that women's tourneys are a bit silly. Take the WSOP event - it just seems pretty meaningless to win it, or at least a lot less meaningful than winning any other WSOP event. The players in it MIGHT be world-class, but they might not, because the fields been restricted over some criteria that has nothing to do with ability. The beauty of poker is that it's a meritocracy and restricting entrants for any reason just devalues the achievement in winning.

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Re: Womens Tourneys

My own opinion is that women's tourneys are a bit silly. Take the WSOP event - it just seems pretty meaningless to win it, or at least a lot less meaningful than winning any other WSOP event. The players in it MIGHT be world-class, but they might not, because the fields been restricted over some criteria that has nothing to do with ability. The beauty of poker is that it's a meritocracy and restricting entrants for any reason just devalues the achievement in winning.
Whooa! - big words hurt my brain:\ If it's saying women are special - I have to agree, otherwise my head gets hurt too:eek Hi Milou sweetheart:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
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Re: Womens Tourneys

Why is everyone concerned about the Ladies daily on Sporting Odds? They also have a Scottish daily and no one has complained about that.
errr....The ladies daily on sporting odds is not necessarily the point of this discussion. Also, you don't have to be scottish to enter the scottish daily, technically
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