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Win / Loss?


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Re: Win / Loss? I use Ace money manager to record deposits/withdrawals - I used to use diff progs to track hourlys/game types etc but it was too much hassle and I found myself being too lazy to do it all the time. Deposits/withdrawals I can always remember to do. guesswest (2005 +$9,492,034.43)

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Re: Win / Loss? If anyone wants Ace: http://www.mechcad.net/downloads/AceMoneyLiteSetup.exe I just use the lite (free) version, it has a limitation of 1 account but I get around that by calling the one account 'poker' and set up all the sites as payees, which achieves exactly the same thing as having multiple accounts for all sites - other than the one account restriction it's the same as the full version. There's loads of similar programs but like it because it's heavily customizable, both appearance and functions.

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Re: Win / Loss?

I use Ace money manager to record deposits/withdrawals - I used to use diff progs to track hourlys/game types etc but it was too much hassle and I found myself being too lazy to do it all the time. Deposits/withdrawals I can always remember to do. guesswest (2005 +$9,492,034.43)
Let me get this right you won 9.5 million last year and u use freeware to keep track of it:loon
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Re: Win / Loss? About £4.50 :D, or rather it was until Turkey just lopped six zeros off their currency - but anyways I was joking, was just in response to dannycash saying the sigs were all lies.....i should have learned by now I'm not funny! I have no idea how much I actually made last year, I kept good records for 04 but started fannying about with overly clever analysis like recording results by game type and hourly rate and stuff last year, and just ended up not keeping good records as a result because it was too much work - and there's no point in keeping them unless you keep them properly. That's why I switched back to just doing deposits/withdrawals this year, because I know I can keep a handle on it, and it's surely the most important stat anyway. Another tool btw that I don't use but I know other people like is www.pokerledger.com Edit: Typos

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Re: Win / Loss? I use a spreadsheet which I update whenever I make or lose anything, the most entries I've had to make in one day is 3, so far this month I've made 25 entries. it takes less than 1 minute for each one and I feel it is worth while doing.

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Re: Win / Loss?

I use a spreadsheet which I update whenever I make or lose anything' date=' the most entries I've had to make in one day is 3, so far this month I've made 25 entries. it takes less than 1 minute for each one and I feel it is worth while doing.[/quote'] I do the same thing. I also put a notes column at the end with how I won a big hand, or got knocked out! A lot of my early notes contained "PATIENCE!". Now a few of them contain "FFS"!! :lol
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