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heads up mtt?


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Re: heads up mtt? I think there was an article on it in the recent Inside Egde. Seem pointless to me too, but I know a few people that do that regularly I guess if you know you're better than average at HU play, its quite a good way to double your buy in quickly

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Re: heads up mtt? I enjoy them - and HU play could be so important in a BIG tourney one day - I view it as an essential skill to practice - so often in MTT's you get to the last 2 and the other person hasn't a clue how to do HU........

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Re: heads up mtt?

Can you imagine???????????
Czeppy602 raises 200 GeorgeUK did not respond in time and was folded Czeppy602 wins the pot by default Czeppy602 raises 200 GeorgeUK did not respond in time and was folded Czeppy602 wins the pot by default Czeppy602 raises 200 GeorgeUK did not respond in time and was folded Czeppy602 wins the pot by default repeat.... until Czeppy602 raises 1200 GeorgeUK did not respond in time and was folded Czeppy602 wins the game/set/match by default something like that George? :$ :rollin :rollin
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Re: heads up mtt? Played a few of these before and they are infuriating. Example 64 players in - 2nd hand im dealt QQ Other player opens with a raise of 200 - i flat call to see a flop land with something like 2,4,7. He goes for 200 again Again I just call fearing trips - Turn is a queen He's ALL in so I follow suit and call He has A,Q and is drawing dead.............. I then wait 32 mins for my next hand of cards because you have to wait for all the games to finish before moving on to the next opponent. 32 mins for a hand of cards. In the last 16 - I finish off a player fairly quickly too so go for a quick cup of tea, when I come back im down to 900 or so chips from a starting 1,500 :lol:lol:lol I lost!! Infuriating!!!!

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Re: heads up mtt? Fritz and anyone else that's sick of all the waiting around in these - there are a few sites do HU tourneys that aren't knockout style, they just shuffle players around randomly and people go out like in a normal MTT. Pacific is the only place I'm sure does it that way, but think I've seen that somewhere else too.......

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Re: heads up mtt?

Fritz and anyone else that's sick of all the waiting around in these - there are a few sites do HU tourneys that aren't knockout style' date=' they just shuffle players around randomly and people go out like in a normal MTT. Pacific is the only place I'm sure does it that way, but think I've seen that somewhere else too.......[/quote'] It certainly would be more interesting - but if you finish early does this mean you (in theory) would meet more players on the way or does your chip count increase as you move along. Im the ones Ive played - you get a new starting stack in each round.
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